Publications by Habib Khan

Data 608 - Assignment 1


Principles of Data Visualization and Introduction to ggplot2 I have provided you with data about the 5,000 fastest growing companies in the US, as compiled by Inc. magazine. lets read this in: inc <- read.csv("", header= TRUE) Let’s load the requi...

2236 sym R (3665 sym/15 pcs) 3 img 1 tbl

Data 605 - HW2


Problem 1 knitr::include_graphics('2-1.png') 1.1 knitr::include_graphics('2.1.1.png') Now let’s prove that with R A <- matrix(c(1,4,2,5,3,6), ncol=3) identical(t(A) %*% A, A %*% t(A)) ## [1] FALSE Problem 2 knitr::include_graphics('2-2.png') Creating function fact = function(A){ r <- c <- dim(A)[1] L <- D <- matrix(diag(r),nrow=r, nc...

157 sym R (2170 sym/10 pcs) 3 img

Data 605 - Week 2 Discussion


knitr::include_graphics('Capture.png') # Create matrix for W and B W = matrix(c(1,2,-1,1,1,0,3,1,2,1,1,2), 4,3) B = matrix(c(1,1,0,1), 4,1) # Merge both matrix into df data <- cbind(W,B) # Load the library library(pracma) # Calculate RREF using R's function rref(data) ## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] ## [1,] 1 0 0 0.3333...

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Data 607 - Final Project


Introduction In this project, we are going to see if Americans support President Trump’s impeachment inquiry or not. For that purpose, we have taken the data from three different sources i.e. Washington post was scraped to see the road to impeachment, getting data from five thirty and then tweets were taken from twitter. The reason b...

6339 sym R (19267 sym/67 pcs) 12 img 3 tbl

HK - Data 607 - Tidyverse Recipe - Part2


Note: This is extension of Lin Li’s work on tidyverse recipe. Also I used head function to show the top rows rather than all rows to avoid ovewhelmed output Create an Example. Using one or more TidyVerse packages, and any dataset from or Kaggle, create a programming sample “vignette” that demonstrates how to use one or m...

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Data 607 - Tidyverse recipe - Part1


Introduction The aim for this assignment is to create an example of tidyverse library and it is splitted into two parts: Create an Example. Using one or more TidyVerse packages, and any dataset from or Kaggle, create a programming sample “vignette” that demonstrates how to use one or more of the capabilities of the select...

1372 sym R (380 sym/3 pcs) 1 tbl

Data 607 - Week 12


Introduction For this assignment, you should take information from a relational database and migrate it to a NoSQL database of your own choosing. For the relational database, you might use the flights database, the tb database, the “data skills” database your team created for Project 3, or another database of your own choosing or creation. Fo...

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Data 605 - HW1


library("geometry") library("Morpho") library(rsconnect) Problem 1 You can think of vectors representing many dimensions of related information. For instance, Netflix might store all the ratings a user gives to movies in a vector. This is clearly a vector of very large dimensions (in the millions) and very sparse as the user might have rated o...

1844 sym R (1230 sym/15 pcs)

Data 605 - Week 3 Discussion


Problem C11 knitr::include_graphics('3.png') # Loading the library library(pracma) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union # Create matrix to fee...

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Data 605 - Week 4 Discussion


knitr::include_graphics('Week4.png') # Creating matrix into S S <- matrix(c(-1,4,1,1,4,-1,5,0,1,6,-2,2,2,-1,2,5), 4,4) S ## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] ## [1,] -1 4 1 2 ## [2,] 4 -1 6 -1 ## [3,] 1 5 -2 2 ## [4,] 1 0 2 5 # RREF library(pracma) answer <- rref(S) answer ## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] ...

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