Publications by Gustavo Seifer

ISLR Ch.06 (Labs) - Regularization


An Introduction to Statistical Learning (2nd ed.) Labs An Introduction to Statistcial Learning ISLR tidymodels Labs Chapter 06 Regularization We will be using the Hitters data set from the ISLR package. We wish to predict the baseball players Salary based on several different characteristics which are included in the data set. Since we wish to...

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ISLR Ch.07 (Labs) - Moving Beyond Linearity


An Introduction to Statistical Learning (2nd ed.) Labs An Introduction to Statistcial Learning ISLR tidymodels Labs Chapter 07 Moving Beyond Linearity library(tidymodels) library(ISLR) library(ggcorrplot) theme_set(theme_bw()) wage <- tibble(Wage) glimpse(wage) Rows: 3,000 Columns: 11 $ year <int> 2006, 2004, 2003, 2003, 2005, 2008...

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ISLR Ch.09 (Labs) - Support Vector Machines


An Introduction to Statistical Learning (2nd ed.) Labs An Introduction to Statistcial Learning ISLR tidymodels Labs Chapter 09 Support Vector Machines library(tidymodels) library(ISLR) theme_set(theme_bw()) Support Vectors Classifier set.seed(2021) sim_data <- tibble( x1 = rnorm(40), x2 = rnorm(40), y = factor(rep(c(-1, 1), 20))...

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US Births 2000 - 2014


# USbirths2000-2014_SSA.csv` contains U.S. births data for the years 2000 to 2014, as provided by the Social Security Administration. # # Header Definition # ------ ---------- # # year Year # month Month # date_of_month Day number of the month # d...

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