Publications by Group 5



I. INTRODUCTION A fast-food chain plans to offer customers a new creation. However, there still exists a debate on which of the three promising marketing campaigns is the most appropriate for promoting the new menu item. Testing the effectiveness of the campaigns before reaching the final decision of the fittest one to launch is essential. The...

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I. INTRODUCTION A fast-food chain plans to offer customers a new creation. However, there still exists a debate on which of the three promising marketing campaigns is the most appropriate for promoting the new menu item. Testing the effectiveness of the campaigns before reaching the final decision of the fittest one to launch is essential. The...

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I. INTRODUCTION A fast-food chain plans to offer customers a new creation. However, there still exists a debate on which of the three promising marketing campaigns is the most appropriate for promoting the new menu item. Testing the effectiveness of the campaigns before reaching the final decision of the fittest one to launch is essential. The...

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I. INTRODUCTION A fast-food chain plans to offer customers a new creation. However, there still exists a debate on which of the three promising marketing campaigns is the most appropriate for promoting the new menu item. Testing the effectiveness of the campaigns before reaching the final decision of the fittest one to launch is essential. The...

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R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within...

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Setting my working directory setwd("E:/R Studio Essential Level/Session 2/Assignment") library(rio) Exercise 1 a) Use the c() / concatenate function to create a “neurosis” dataframe consisting of the following variables. The datapoints in the variables are arranged in the same order for each case (name) • Variable “name” “Ben”,...

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