Publications by GROUP 4
Group Nick
SOLUTION: Please include your question here. Please include your answer here. Instructions GROUP ROLES: The person with the birthday coming next will be asked to write down your answers. The person whose birthday came most recently before today will be asked to lead the group discussion. Group 1: what are the implications for the expectation if ...
2339 sym
SOLUTION: Please include your question here. Please include your answer here. Instructions GROUP ROLES: The person with the birthday coming next will be asked to write down your answers. The person whose birthday came most recently before today will be asked to lead the group discussion. Group 1: what are the implications for the expectation if ...
2864 sym
Group 3
SOLUTION: Please include your question here. Please include your answer here. Instructions GROUP ROLES: The person with the birthday coming next will be asked to write down your answers. The person whose birthday came most recently before today will be asked to lead the group discussion. Group 1: what are the implications for the expectation if ...
2339 sym
Group 4
SOLUTION: Group 4: what are the differences in expected value for a 30 year old non-smoking male? What about a 50 year old non-smoking male? A 70 year old non-smoking male? The differences in expected value for a 30 year old non-smoking male, with a probability of death of 0.001795, paying $12 a month for $100,000 worth of coverage. This lead...
3649 sym
Location of Use - Data Analysis in RMD - Group 4
This is an analysis of Canadian Internet Use Survey (CIUS) 2009 with 23178 respondents. The focus of this analysis is location of use. Upon initial analysis, we intend to check the following aspects to evaluate the quality of data by identifying if the data includes - Missing values, Duplicate objects and/or Outliers. Pre-processing of data P...
14386 sym Python (27756 sym/68 pcs) 45 img 2 tbl
Implied Volatility of a team sport outcome, based on positional group performance Sidebar {.sidebar} ======================================================================= History … text …. Dashboard ...
237 sym
Shu and Hosue
In this activity you will be working in pairs to clean up some code (it’s a tough job but someone has to do it). See the tidyverse R style guide as a reference as needed: When you are done, please publish your solution (one per pair) to RPubs (login STAT135). Example 1 Original code: library(nycflights13) flights%>%...
736 sym R (1506 sym/7 pcs)
Majd and Kenny - Code Cleaning
In this activity you will be working in pairs to clean up some code (it’s a tough job but someone has to do it). See the tidyverse R style guide as a reference as needed: When you are done, please publish your solution (one per pair) to RPubs (login STAT135). Example 1 Original code: library(nycflights13) flights%>%...
765 sym R (1365 sym/6 pcs)