Publications by Gregg Maloy

Data 605 HW Week 8


Introduction to Probability, Grinstead, C. Snell, J., 1997 Page 320 Question 1 Question 1) Let X be a continuous random variable with mean µ = 10 and variance σ2 = 100/3. Using Chebyshev’s Inequality, find an upper bound for the following probabilities. P(|X − 10| ≥ 2). P(|X − 10| ≥ 5). P(|X − 10| ≥ 9). P(|X − 10| ≥ 20). ...

1942 sym Python (1045 sym/10 pcs)

Data 605 Discussion Week 8


Introduction to Probability, Grinstead, C. Snell, J., 1997 Page 320 Question 1 Question 1) Let X be a continuous random variable with mean µ = 10 and variance σ2 = 100/3. Using Chebyshev’s Inequality, find an upper bound for the following probabilities. P(|X − 10| ≥ 2). P(|X − 10| ≥ 5). P(|X − 10| ≥ 9). P(|X − 10| ≥ 20). ...

852 sym Python (802 sym/8 pcs)

Data 605 Week 7 Assignment


1. 1. Let X1, X2, . . . , Xn be n mutually independent random variables, each ofwhich is uniformly distributed on the integers from 1 to k. Let Y denote the minimum of the Xi’s. Find the distribution of Y . This question was way over my head. I thought about it a while and looked a lot online. It is most likely incorrect Find the distributio...

4378 sym R (2552 sym/24 pcs)

Data 605 Discussion Week 7


Introduction to Probability, Grinstead, C. Snell, J., 1997 Page 197 Question 7 Question 7) A die is rolled until the first time that a six turns up.(a) What is the probability distribution for T? Geometric distribution because: 1.) there are two outcomes, success and failure. In this case, success is a six. 2.) each roll is independent, and ...

1281 sym R (381 sym/4 pcs)

Data 605 Assignment Week 6


1. A bag contains 5 green and 7 red jellybeans. How many ways can 5 jellybeans be withdrawn from the bag so that the number of green ones withdrawn will be less than 2? There are two scenerios in which the number of green jellybeans will be less than 2: Scenerio 1) There are no green jellybeans withdrawn Scenerio 2) There is one green jellybea...

3854 sym



Introduction to Probability, Grinstead, C. Snell, J., 1997 Page 115 Exercise 21 Question A lady wishes to color her fingernails on one hand using at most two of the colors red, yellow, and blue. How many ways can she do this? Answer There are two possible scenarios: Scenerio 1.) The lady colored her finger names using only one color. This s...

1113 sym R (4116 sym/8 pcs)



#install.packages("epiR") library(epiR) 1. A new test for multinucleoside-resistant (MNR) human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) variants was recently developed. The test maintains 96% sensitivity, meaning that, for those with the disease, it will correctly report “positive” for 96% of them. The test is also 98% specific, meaning that...

8262 sym R (1204 sym/29 pcs)



Introduction to Probability, Grinstead, C. Snell, J., 1997 Page 52 Exercise 1 Question In the spinner problem (see Example 2.1) divide the unit circumference into three arcs of length 1/2, 1/3, and 1/6. Write a program to simulate the spinner experiment 1000 times and print out what fraction of the outcomes fall in each of the three arcs. No...

570 sym 1 img



The following webpages were referenced to preform this analysis, as was the professor’s blackboard example: The following exercise uses Principle Component Analysis(PCA) to ‘build and visualize eigenimagery that acc...

2218 sym R (2348 sym/16 pcs) 2 img



A First Course in Linear Algebra, Beezer, R., 2008 Page 403 Problem C10 Question In the vector space C3, compute the vector representation ρB (v) for the basis B and vector v below. \[ B = \left\{ \begin{pmatrix} 2 \\ -2 \\ 2 \end{pmatrix}, \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 3 \\ 1 \end{pmatrix}, \begin{pmatrix} 3 \\ 5 \\ 2 \end{pmatrix} \right\} \] \[ v...

1269 sym