Publications by Grace Marchal
t-Test Lab
1 Loading Libraries # install any packages you have not previously used, then comment them back out. #install.packages("car") #install.packages("effsize") library(psych) # for the describe() command library(car) # for the leveneTest() command ## Loading required package: carData ## ## Attaching package: 'car' ## The following object is masked fr...
3465 sym R (4862 sym/30 pcs) 3 img
Basic Stats Hw
Basic Statistics Load Libraries # if you haven't used a given package before, you'll need to download it first # delete the "#" before the install function and run it to download # re-insert the "#" before the install function so that the file will Knit later # then run the library function calling that package #install.packages("psych") # insta...
730 sym R (4949 sym/26 pcs) 8 img 1 tbl
Basic stats with personal data
Basic Statistics Load Libraries # if you haven't used a given package before, you'll need to download it first # delete the "#" before the install function and run it to download # re-insert the "#" before the install function so that the file will Knit later # then run the library function calling that package # install.packages("psych") # insta...
730 sym R (4653 sym/26 pcs) 8 img 1 tbl
Data Prep Load Libraries # if you haven't used a given package before, you'll need to download it first # delete the "#" before the install function and run it to download # then run the library function calling that package #install.packages("naniar") library(naniar) # for the gg_miss-upset() command Import Data Import the full project data in...
1254 sym R (10802 sym/16 pcs) 1 img
Rstudio lab 1
#Reflection Questions How was the install process?, Anything I should know for future students? The install process was a little tricky to understand especially on a mac user you had to ensure you were downloading the right software. I would maybe show videos on what software that mac users should download.. Have you used any statistical software b...
668 sym R (245 sym/7 pcs) 2 img