Publications by Gracie Moreland



Section 4.4 1 a <- c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) b <- matrix(2,4,6,8) c <- list("my", "list") length(a) ## [1] 5 length(b) ## [1] 24 length(c) ## [1] 2 2 a <- c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) b <- matrix(2,4,6,8) c <- mtcars length(a) ## [1] 5 length(b) ## [1] 24 length(c) ## [1] 11 Section 5.1 1 summary(mtcars) ## mpg ...

133 sym R (2192 sym/19 pcs) 1 img



Assignment In this assignment, we’ll review R programming fundamentals. Remember to place all code inside a code chunk. Problem 1. Create an empty numeric vector of length 3 called a Then assign the elements of a the values 5, 6, and 6, respectively. a <- c(5,6,6) length(a) ## [1] 3 "This is the code for vector a, I used the length function t...

1926 sym R (1342 sym/36 pcs)



Instructions: Update your name in the header block, example: author: "Alex Fout" Select File > Save as and save the file by adding your last name at the beginning with an underscore, example: fout_progress_check_2.rmd Each time you encounter a purple “Progress Check” block in the textbook, create a new sub-subheading and a new code block for...

2887 sym R (4921 sym/66 pcs)

Assignment 1


Instructions: Update your name in the header block, example: author: "Alex Fout" Select File > Save as and save the file by adding your last name at the beginning with an underscore, example: fout_assignment_1.rmd Follow the instructions below to fill in the assignment. Be sure to run your code chunks when you make them, to make sure everything ...

3073 sym R (166 sym/10 pcs)



Section 4.4 1 a <- c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) b <- matrix(2,4,6,8) c <- list("my", "list") length(a) ## [1] 5 length(b) ## [1] 24 length(c) ## [1] 2 2 a <- c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) b <- matrix(2,4,6,8) c <- mtcars length(a) ## [1] 5 length(b) ## [1] 24 length(c) ## [1] 11 Section 5.1 1 summary(mtcars) ## mpg ...

133 sym R (2192 sym/19 pcs) 1 img



6.2 1 math <- function(a,b,c){ x <- a-b*c return(x) } math(1,2,3) ## [1] -5 math(100,200,300) ## [1] -59900 math(-4,-7,10) ## [1] 66 2 covid <- read.csv("Provisional_COVID-19_Death_Counts_by_Sex__Age__and_State.csv", fileEncoding = "UTF-8") covid_plot <- function(state, sex, ages){ covid2 <- covid[(covid$State == state) & (covid$S...

34 sym R (696 sym/11 pcs)



Assignment This assignment will explore real estate prices using another data set from Kaggle. You should download the data from here and place it in your data_raw folder. Problem 1. Read the dataset into R to an object called housing and print the shape of the data frame housing <- read.csv("

2156 sym R (887 sym/9 pcs) 1 img



Assignment In this assignment, we’ll explore working with data in R, using a dataset of top songs on Spotify from 2010 to 2019. The data set is based on this Kaggle dataset if you want to learn more about it. Problem 1. Download the data set and save it in your data_raw folder. Read the dataset into R to an object called top. top10s <- read.cs...

1909 sym R (3674 sym/43 pcs) 3 img



5.5 through section 6.1 Section 5.5 1 V <- (1:100) V [c(4, 196, 501:556)] <- "brussel sprouts" print(V[c(2,3,4)]) ## [1] "2" "3" "brussel sprouts" The vector changed from a numeric vector to a character vector. The datapoints I didn’t change to brussel sprouts changed from 2 to “2”. 2 mpg <- mtcars$mpg[15:...

807 sym R (9775 sym/29 pcs) 5 img