Publications by Anna Moroz, Group 173
TIMSS 2015-Norway. EFA
Introduction The following document explores the structure of scales that measure attitudes towards mathematics among students on the example of Norway. The analysis is based on the TIMSS series, an international assessment of mathematics and science at eighth grades that has been conducted every four years since 1995, with coverage of 2015 year-...
10779 sym R (22592 sym/42 pcs) 12 img
Exploratory Factor Analysis of Speed Dating Survey Scores. Part 1
Speed Dating dataset (Kaggle) Investingating the constructs that could answer the question “What influences love at first sight?”. Read about the experiment: dating <-read.csv("Speed Dating Data.csv") # Choosing the variables we think belong to latent factors dating1<- dating[c("im...
5016 sym R (15744 sym/43 pcs) 7 img
Finnish Happiness: Regression Analysis
Introduction In this work I am going to analyze how several social and economic parameters contribute to the level of happiness in a country. For this purpose I am taking Finland, as a country that holds the top position in the world’s happiness ranking for the third year in a row (source: what makes it the “ha...
18351 sym R (13419 sym/27 pcs) 11 img 1 tbl
Subjective Well-being in the Netherlands
TO BEGIN WITH… Hi! Our team is called Odoo (named after one business software, but that’s not so important). And here we are: Anna Moroz: our leader who dropkickes all of us (that’s useful!); Anna Podolskaya: always knits and checks everything before the submission; Anastasia Prokudina: the first alarmist, who calms all of us down; Olga Che...
46687 sym R (28485 sym/130 pcs) 41 img 4 tbl
GBM Application in Text Analysis
Hello! We would like to introduce you and ourselves to the world of gradient boosting machines. Here, the practical part of our journey starts. We are trying to build a gradient boosting model to predict sex of reviewers based on the words they are most likely to use in their reviews. Firstly, let’s load the dataset and do some data cleaning. l...
4082 sym R (11124 sym/51 pcs) 2 img
Business Analytics Report
BA Final Project 3rd Year Final Business Analytical Report by BM Corporation Anna Podolskaya (Busy Meatballs Corporation) , Anna Moroz (Busy Meatballs Corporation) , Darya Kuzmicheva (Busy Meatballs Corporation) December 21, 2019 Hello! Our company, “BMC”, is glad to meet you! Thank you for choosing us for the analysis of your m...
24794 sym R (3276 sym/12 pcs) 23 img
Decision Tree VS Bayesian Network
Introduction Hello, world! As a part of the analytical team, my task was to build predictive models and assess their performance. In this report, I will do my best to explain in detail what exactly I was doing while coming to my conclusions. First of all, I am loading the initial dataset. In our teamwork, we are using the cleaned version of Portu...
14998 sym R (8728 sym/35 pcs) 8 img
EFA of Speed Dating Survey Scores. Part 2
Intro In this document the Exploratory Factor Analysis of Speed Dating Kaggle data is continued. library(psych) require(dplyr) # loading the same data dating <-read.csv("Speed Dating Data.csv") dating1<- dating[c("imprace","imprelig", "date", "go_out", "sports", "tvsports", "exercise", "dining" , "museums", "art", ...
5234 sym R (10586 sym/23 pcs) 6 img
Web Scrapping: Wiki
In this piece of work I am going to do some web data scrapping. I will be working with the World University Rankings table presented in Wikipedia. The plan is to have a brief look on the changes happened with the positions of world’s top universities in the last decade. First of all, I am getting an object with the all data presented on the pag...
2134 sym R (8476 sym/9 pcs) 2 img
Аналитика целевой аудитории продукта
Аналитика целевой аудитории продукта для компании Риалвеб Клиент - популярная минеральная вода Anna Moroz September 5, 2020 Введение В данном отчете будет представлена аналитика целевой аудитори�...
13964 sym R (9795 sym/4 pcs) 8 img