Publications by Gina Occhipinti
Heteroskedasticity Disc
Heteroskedasticity Discussion Author Gina Occhipinti ISSUE SUMMARY What is “heteroskedasticity”, and the econometric issue it causes (affects point estimates or standard errors)? Do not confuse heteroskedasticity with other terms like multicollinearity, serial correlation, et cetra (2-3 sentences in your own words - EG do not copy/paste di...
2508 sym Python (7224 sym/35 pcs) 2 img
Table of contents I. OLS on High Dimensionality Data II. Scaling and Regularization Techniques Overview Comparison of OLS, Lasso and Ridge OLS, and regularisation techniques (Lasso, Ridge) I. OLS on High Dimensionality Data Where the number of predictors (p) > the number of observations (n) # Clear the workspace rm(list = ls()) # Clear envi...
4560 sym Python (287884 sym/29 pcs)
Table of contents I. OLS on High Dimensionality Data Generate fake/simulated data II. Scaling and Regularization Techniques Overview Comparison of OLS, Lasso and Ridge Data Independent Variables Standardization: Scaling for Zeros and Ones Normalization: Mapping to a Common Range The decision to standardize or normalize depends on the charac...
12843 sym Python (272396 sym/17 pcs)
Panel Data Discussion
Table of contents Weekly Discussion - Panel Data 1. Choose and Analyze Data 2. OLS Regression 3. Fixed Effects Models Panel Data Discussion Author Gina Occhipinti Weekly Discussion - Panel Data 1. Choose and Analyze Data Please choose any panel data and show/tell if data is balanced or not. What is the time component and the entity componen...
6823 sym
Disc 6 - Diff in Diff
Discussion_Diff_in_Diff Author Gina Occhipinti First, I load and view the data. # load the data data <- read.csv("/Users/ginaocchipinti/Documents/Econometrics Course - BC/us_fred_coastal_us_states_avg_hpi_before_after_2005.csv") View(data) str(data) 'data.frame': 48 obs. of 6 variables: $ STATE : chr "GASTHPI_CHG" "NCSTHPI...
5031 sym
Discussion - OVB Author Gina Occhipinti I. Biased Estimators A bias estimator is the difference between the expected value of statistic of the population (mean, standard deviation, etc.) and true value of the population. This can result from omitting variables in a regression model that affect both an X variable AND the Y variable (i.e., it’s...
4148 sym
Discussion - Gauss-Markov Assumptions
Discussion - Gauss Markov Assumptions and Residual Analysis Author Gina Occhipinti Gauss Markov Assumptions State the Gauss-Markov Assumptions The Gauss-Markov Assumptions State the Following: There is a linear relationship between X and Y The data must be randomly sampled from a population There is no perfect multicollinearity -in other wor...
8316 sym 12 img
Discussion 2 - Econometrics
Table of contents Air Quality - Data Description Air Quality - Using R Air Quality - Data Type Air Quality - Visualization Racing - Data Description Racing - Using R Racing - Data Type Discussion 2 - Types of Data Author Gina Occhipinti knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) Air Quality - Data Description The Air Quality da...
2352 sym 2 img
Econometrics - Discussion 1
My TOC Title Quarto Running Code Testing - Discussion 1 Quarto Author: Gina Occhipinti Let’s install psych package and use the describe function Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished document. To learn more about Quarto see #install.packages("psych") library("psych") Warning: pac...
777 sym 1 tbl
Discussion 7D
rm(list = ls()) gc() ## used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) limit (Mb) max used (Mb) ## Ncells 536444 28.7 1197988 64 NA 669417 35.8 ## Vcells 990072 7.6 8388608 64 16384 1851813 14.2 cat("\f") ## function (which = dev.cur()) ## { ## if (which == 1) ## stop("cannot shut down device 1 (the null device...
3117 sym