Publications by Gianni

Next word prediction


NPL Giovanni Enas 1) Loading the required libraries The First step was to load the necessary libraries for the task library(tidyverse) library(tidytext) library(tidymodels) library(tokenizers) library(dplyr) library(stringi) library(stringr) library(textdata) library(stopwords) library("cld3") #library for English vocabulary library(tm) 2) Pre...

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Next word prediction


NPL Giovanni Enas 1) Loading the required libraries The First step was to load the necessary libraries for the task library(tidyverse) library(tidytext) library(tidymodels) library(tokenizers) library(dplyr) library(stringi) library(stringr) library(textdata) library(stopwords) library("cld3") #library for English vocabulary library(tm) 2) Pre...

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EURES - Posti di lavoro vacanti in Europa


Caricamento librerie library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) Parte 1: Dati Lanciata nel 1994, EURES è una rete di cooperazione europea dei servizi per l’impiego, concepita per facilitare la libera circolazione dei lavoratori. La rete ha sempre lavorato duramente per permettere ai cittadini europei di godere delle stesse opportunità, nonostante le barr...

1120 sym R (1417 sym/7 pcs) 3 img

Statistiche sul conflitto israelo-palestinese


Caricamento librerie: library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(stringr) library(reshape2) Parte 1: Dati Il dataset Israel-Palestine.csv scaricabile da Kaggle qui : contiene le informazioni per i 2 paesi che vanno dal 2000 al 2020. Dà una sbirciatina all’istruzione, alla sanità, al...

2029 sym R (8413 sym/34 pcs) 19 img

Natural Language Processing


Loading the required libraries 1 reading the files I will connect the files, read the entire file, randomly choose 1000 rows of text. 2 Cleaning the data Now I will remove the most common offensive words and N/A from the lists and later transform the lists to databases #Twitter a <- grep("[Ss]hit+|[Ff]uck+", twitt) twitt <- twitt[-a] a <- grep("[...

523 sym Python (6932 sym/18 pcs) 4 img

Cars Performance


2023-10-07 A study of the milage performance of some cars models The milage will depend on various factors, the weight, the number of cylinders, horse power, number of gears and if manual or automatic. Hovering over the dots will give us all the parameters. Performance plot Data from mtcars database...

312 sym

Italian Tourist monitor


Tourist presence in the major Italian cities on 2019 Data source Istat 2020...

82 sym

Italian Tourist monitor


2023-10-06 Tourist presence in the major Italian cities on 2019 Data source Istat 2020...

97 sym

Cars Performance


A study of the milage performance of some cars models The milage will depend on various factors, the weight, the number of cylinders, horse power, number of gears and if manual or automatic. Hovering over the dots will give us all the parameters. Data from mtcars database...

279 sym

Italian Tourist monitor


Tourist presence in the major Italian cities on 2019 Data source Istat 2020...

82 sym