Publications by Developed by the Computational Medicine Lab for Carlos Cárdenas, PLESS.
Cuti-Geno Toxicity
GENOTOXICITY Exploratory Data Analysis Using Rainclouds BUDS Micronucleai Binucleated Cells Explorataion of Correlation Matrix using Pearson. Hypothesis Testing Buds Micronucleai Binucleated Cells CITOTOXICITY Exploratory Data Analysis Using Rainclouds Karyolitic Cells Karyorrhectic Cells Pyknotic Cells Condensed Chromatin Explora...
721 sym 20 img
Esophageal Ca Surgical Treatment
I. Table 1 Distribution of values subsetted by outcome variable: complications at 30 days after surgery. no(N=68) yes(N=16) Total(N=84) Age Mean (SD) 64.8 (9.88) 63.4 (9.93) 64.6 (9.85) Median [Min, Max] 64.0 [26.0, 85.0] 64.0 [48.0, 81.0] 64.0 [26.0, 85.0] Sex Male 57 (83.8%) 13 (81.3%) 70 (83.3%) Female 11 (16.2%) 3 (18.8%) 14 (16.7%) B...
483 sym 5 tbl
Incidentaloma Final Touches
Before the patient was sent to endocrine surgeons, how much did they spend in labs? Amountr of patients who were requested 5 studies from the guidelines before being sent to Specialist. ## # A tibble: 2 × 6 ## ...1 `CT A/P W/WO Contrast` Aldosterone Renin ODST `Plasma Metanephrines` ## <dbl> <fct> <fct> <fct> <f...
986 sym 1 tbl
Updated Results Esophageal Cancer Research
I. Table 1 Distribution of values subsetted by outcome variable: complications at 30 days after surgery. no(N=68) yes(N=16) Total(N=84) Age Mean (SD) 64.8 (9.88) 63.4 (9.93) 64.6 (9.85) Median [Min, Max] 64.0 [26.0, 85.0] 64.0 [48.0, 81.0] 64.0 [26.0, 85.0] Sex Male 57 (83.8%) 13 (81.3%) 70 (83.3%) Female 11 (16.2%) 3 (18.8%) 14 (16.7%) B...
483 sym 5 tbl
COFIM test
Colegio Francisco I Madero – Reporte Nivel I Martes 17 Marzo 2020 Generalidades Row Estudiantes de Primaria Que Llenaron Filtro Digital 54 Estudiantes de Secundaria Que Llenaron Filtro Digital 38 Row Estudiantes De Primaria Que NO Asistirán 11 Estudiantes De Secundaria Que NO Asistirán 5 Row Análisis y Visualizaciones po...
744 sym 8 img
Análisis Preliminares
Análisis de Calidad de los Datos Datos Continuos Count Miss Card Min Qrt1 Median Qrt3 Max Mean Sdev AÑO 12 0 1 2016.0 2016.00 2016.00 2016.00 2016.00000 2016.00 0.00 Edad 12 0 11 34.0 49.00 54.50 65.25 76.00000 55.33 12.12 Peso ini. 12 0 12 48.1 72.25 77.85 89.45 130.00000 83.24 22.13 Peso fin. 12 ...
76 sym 2 tbl
Instituciones de Salud Pública y COVID-19
Éste análisis está basado en los datos de Recursos en Salud, parte del repositorio de datos abiertos de la Dirección General de Información en Salud. No ha sido posible encontrar datos abiertos de saturación de hospitales a nivel nacional, tampoco fué posible accesar datos de hospitales destinados a la atención de pacientes con diagnósti...
688 sym 7 img
Stress Related Questions
Data Quality Report as a preliminary exploration Since the data is recorded in qualitative scales, the following report is generated based on the guidelines proposed by Kelleher et al. (2020). variable Count Miss Card Mode ModeFrec ModePerc Mode2 Mode2Frec Mode2Perc X1a 92 0 4 2 36 39.13% 3 33 35.87% X1b 92 0 5 2 34 36....
2826 sym R (323 sym/1 pcs) 2 img
Shannon´s Project
The following tables are arranged in order to facilitate the interpretation of the data generated in the project. The name of the variables have been modified to make the coding process easier, nevertheless an effort was made to keep them understandable. There is a total of 835 patients in this data set. Smokers in the population smoke_labels ...
7072 sym R (650 sym/3 pcs)
Eileen´s Final Report
The following tables are arranged according the format presented in the file HbA1c Bariatric Data Tables.docx. The name of the variables is changed to make the coding process easier nevertheless they remain understandable when compared to the .docx file. Splitting Population for the Study For the goal of this study the following subsettings were...
8073 sym R (7590 sym/27 pcs)