Publications by Devin Teran, Gabe Abreu, Amit Kapoor, Subhalaxmi Rout
Data 607 - Final Project
Data 607 - Final Project Research Objective Data Sources: Necessary R Packages: Gather Data Daily Presidential White House Briefings Stock Market Data Trump Approval Ratings Cleaning Data Clean WH Briefing Data Clean Approval Ratings Data Analysis White House Briefing & Sentiment Analysis Trump approval ratings analysis Stock Market Performan...
10271 sym R (36698 sym/93 pcs) 15 img
Data 606 Final Project
library(readr) library(dplyr) library(knitr) library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) library(DATA606) library(psych) library(Hmisc) library(corrplot) library(PerformanceAnalytics) 1. Introduction Flying is considering one of the safest modes of transportation. There are more car accidents than airplane accidents, despite the facts, there are pe...
3840 sym R (12782 sym/36 pcs) 8 img
Assignment Using one or more TidyVerse packages and any dataset from or Kaggle, the task is to create a programming sample “vignette” that demonstrates use of one or more of the capabilities of selected TidyVerse package. Getting started Lets load tidyverse package first. It includes readr, dplyr, tidyr, ggplot2, stringr,...
5579 sym R (8614 sym/20 pcs) 8 img
Netflix Recommender System
Netflix Recommender Introduction Scenario Design for Netflix: Scenario Design for Customers: Reverse Engineer Site Homepage Layout Image Personalization Recommendations on Improvements: Resources: Gabe Abreu & Devin Teran 4/15/2020 Introduction Netflix is a pioneering media streaming service. It contains thousands of movies and tv series fr...
7437 sym 2 img
Pivot Functions Vignette
Pivot Vignette This vignette will cover the pivot_longer and pivot_wider functions. These functions are an alternative to gather() and spread() while incorporating features from other packages. The gather and spread functions are used to “tidy” data, rearranging data that should be in rows in the columns or vice versa. Gather() moves columns ...
2324 sym R (5911 sym/14 pcs)
Assignment Web APIs The New York Times web site provides a rich set of APIs, as described here: You’ll need to start by signing up for an API key. Your task is to choose one of the New York Times APIs, construct an interface in R to read in the JSON data, and transform it into an R DataFrame. key <-"api-key=7J...
336 sym R (20941 sym/7 pcs) 1 tbl
Project 3
Overview The purpose of Project 3 is to use data to answer the question, “Which are the most valued data science skills?”. After initial brainstorming, we determined to use the following dataset to perform analysis: The dataset takes data related job posting...
9174 sym R (12767 sym/14 pcs) 6 img
Week 7
Homework 7 Pick 3 of my favorite books and create html, xml, and json files detailing relevant information. Import these files using R and create a dataframe. HTML Getting the data was relatively easy using rvest. url <- "" html_bk <- url%>% read_html()%>...
1021 sym R (13309 sym/13 pcs)
Project 2 Dataset1 url <- "" library(httr) #Solution to read xlsx files from github was found here: #This solution was used for dataset 2 as well. temp...
1410 sym R (10304 sym/20 pcs) 3 img 1 tbl
Project 2 Dataset 3 url <- "" rD <- read.csv(url, header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = c("", "NA")) ##Get a quick overview of the downloaded content #View summary of data summary(rD) ## V1 ...
1971 sym R (8940 sym/20 pcs) 1 img 1 tbl