Publications by Ganesh Kumar
1) I want you to choose and import any dataset, and briefly describe it (tell us the type of economic data Download type of economic data, and the variable definitions). You can use any in-built R dataset too - just type “data()” in R to see the available options ( Section 3Links to an external site. may be helpful), or can use AER packageL...
6706 sym Python (5965 sym/39 pcs)
1.Pick any two different datasets from base R packages like “?datasets()”, from an add-on package like “AER”, or even actual data that you may have. AirPassengers Dataset: Type of Data: Time Series Data # Load the dataset data(AirPassengers) Faithful Dataset Type of Data: Continuous Numerical Data data(faithful) Describe the data to...
5264 sym R (2989 sym/19 pcs) 2 img
#clearing workspace rm(list = ls()) # Clear environment cat("\f") # Clear the console a. A single person is randomly selected for jury duty. What is the probability that this person will have an IQ of 110 or higher? Be sure to write the probability statement and show your R code. First, we need to calculate the z-score for an IQ of 110 us...
11031 sym R (18236 sym/91 pcs) 5 img
1. Find a dataset and run a multivariate regression in R(have at-least 2 independant variables). Make sure to type out the estimating equation with subscripts, and provide summary statistics of the dataset and present the final regression with stargazer package (you can try and present a few different specifications). # Load required packages ...
8292 sym R (3594 sym/15 pcs) 4 img
rm(list = ls()) # Clear all files from your environment gc() ## used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb) ## Ncells 521109 27.9 1158690 61.9 660385 35.3 ## Vcells 947300 7.3 8388608 64.0 1769723 13.6 A. Implement the logistic regression on any dataset of your choice, and interpret your coefficients. # Load the i...
1918 sym R (2850 sym/15 pcs) 2 img
rm(list = ls()) # Clear all files from your environment gc() ## used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb) ## Ncells 521207 27.9 1158970 61.9 660385 35.3 ## Vcells 947154 7.3 8388608 64.0 1769723 13.6 cat("\f") Simple linear (bivariate) regression Pick any two quantitative variables from a data set that interest...
820 sym R (4186 sym/20 pcs)
# Clear the workspace rm(list = ls()) # Clear environment gc() # Clear unused memory ## used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb) ## Ncells 521432 27.9 1159612 62 660385 35.3 ## Vcells 947692 7.3 8388608 64 1769723 13.6 cat("\f") # Clear the console What is correlation ? Correlation is a statistical...
686 sym R (2575 sym/21 pcs) 3 img
Inference # Clear the workspace rm(list = ls()) # Clear environment gc() # Clear unused memory ## used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb) ## Ncells 522973 28.0 1164015 62.2 660385 35.3 ## Vcells 953924 7.3 8388608 64.0 1769723 13.6 cat("\f") # Clear the console Function reject or not myp=function(p, al...
5300 sym Python (11457 sym/120 pcs) 4 img
1) Describe Law of Large Numbers? The Law of Large Numbers is a fundamental concept in probability theory and statistics. It states that as the number of independent, identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables increases, the average of these variables converges to the expected value of the variables. In simpler terms, it suggests that th...
3439 sym Python (1913 sym/3 pcs) 3 img
I. SAMPLING METHODOLOGIES a. Probability sampling refers to the selection of a sample from a population, when this selection is based on the principle of randomization, that is, random selection or chance. Probability sampling is more complex, more time-consuming and usually more costly than non-probability sampling. b. However, Non-probabili...
3755 sym R (4002 sym/31 pcs) 1 img