Publications by Gagan Atreya

GDELT Keyword Frequencies - RUS-ETH


Dyad: RUS-ETH 1.1 Counts and Tonal Differences - Combined 1.2 Counts and Tonal Differences - Events Divided into “Cooperation” vs “Other Events” 2.1 GKG Themes (top 30) Russian Media Theme proportion LEADER 63.7681159420290 WB__FRAGILITY_CONFLICT_AND_VIOLENCE 63.7681159420290 EPU_ECONOMY_HISTORIC 59.4202898550725 UNGP_FORESTS...

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GDELT Keyword Frequencies - RUS-BOL


Dyad: RUS-BOL 1.1 Counts and Tonal Differences - Combined 1.2 Counts and Tonal Differences - Events Divided into “Cooperation” vs “Other Events” 2.1 GKG Themes (top 30) Russian Media Theme proportion LEADER 71.7391304347826 USPEC_POLITICS_GENERAL 65.2173913043478 TAX_FNCACT_PRESIDENT 64.1304347826087 WB__FRAGILITY_CONFLICT_AN...

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GDELT Keyword Frequencies - RUS-KEN


Dyad: RUS-KEN 1.1 Counts and Tonal Differences - Combined 1.2 Counts and Tonal Differences - Events Divided into “Cooperation” vs “Other Events” 2.1 GKG Themes (top 30) Russian Media Theme proportion WB__FRAGILITY_CONFLICT_AND_VIOLENCE 72.3404255319149 CRISISLEX_CRISISLEXREC 63.8297872340426 KILL 57.4468085106383 GENERAL_GOVE...

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Russia China Project: ACLED


RUSSIA / CHINA Research Project ACLED Events Analysis 04/08/2022 Introduction to Data: ACLED ACLED collects the dates, actors, locations, fatalities, and types of all reported political violence and protest events around the world. More details can be found here Data N = 344088 Some countries and years have more events than others. Data ...

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