Publications by free range statistics - R
Pacific island choropleth map by @ellis2013nz
I wanted to draw my own nice, clean map of the Pacific Island countries and territories that I work with in my day job; and a workflow I could use for producing statistical graphics with it, particularly choropleth maps. I am going to build this into my frs R package to make it easier to re-use, but today’s blog is my prototype putting it toget...
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How to recruit data analysts for the public sector by @ellis2013nz
A management challenge Between 2011 and 2017 I selected somewhere between 20 and 30 staff and contractors, for New Zealand public sector roles with titles like Analyst, Senior Analyst and Principal Analyst. Alternative names for these roles could have been (and sometimes were) “researcher”, “data analyst”, “statistician”, “R devel...
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How to recruit data analysts for the public sector by @ellis2013nz
A management challenge Between 2011 and 2017 I selected somewhere between 20 and 30 staff and contractors, for New Zealand public sector roles with titles like Analyst, Senior Analyst and Principal Analyst. Alternative names for these roles could have been (and sometimes were) “researcher”, “data analyst”, “statistician”, “R devel...
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Average spend, activities and length of visit in the NZ International Visitor Survey by @ellis2013nz
A puzzle In my last blog post, I gave a hypothetical test exercise for candidates in a recruitment process, involving the International Visitor Survey (IVS) from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). I once managed the team responsible for that survey and other sector data, so I was familiar with it, knew the exercise made ...
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Average spend, activities and length of visit in the NZ International Visitor Survey by @ellis2013nz
A puzzle In my last blog post, I gave a hypothetical test exercise for candidates in a recruitment process, involving the International Visitor Survey (IVS) from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). I once managed the team responsible for that survey and other sector data, so I was familiar with it, knew the exercise made ...
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Visualising an ethnicity statistical classification by @ellis2013nz
Official statistical classifications can be big, complex things. For example, the complete version of the “International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev.4” comes as either a 300 page PDF or a 1.3GB Microsoft Access database. Classifications typically have a hierarchy of four or more levels and hundreds or ...
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Visualising an ethnicity statistical classification by @ellis2013nz
Official statistical classifications can be big, complex things. For example, the complete version of the “International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities, Rev.4” comes as either a 300 page PDF or a 1.3GB Microsoft Access database. Classifications typically have a hierarchy of four or more levels and hundreds or ...
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Books I liked in 2017 by @ellis2013nz
I last blogged about books in September 2016 and it’s still in my 10 most popular posts. I thought I’d update it with some of the data-relevant books I read in 2017. Mostly these are books that were published before 2017 – it’s just that it was last year that I got around to reading them. Well, this is a “web log” (ie “blog”) a...
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Books I liked in 2017 by @ellis2013nz
I last blogged about books in September 2016 and it’s still in my 10 most popular posts. I thought I’d update it with some of the data-relevant books I read in 2017. Mostly these are books that were published before 2017 – it’s just that it was last year that I got around to reading them. Well, this is a “web log” (ie “blog”) a...
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Do tweeps with more followers follow tweeps with more followers? by @ellis2013nz
Branko Milanovic asked on Twitter: Idea for a paper: “Homogamy” on Twitter. Do people with more followers follow people with more followers? I don’t have time to write a paper but I was sufficiently interested to want to blog about it. The consensus in the replies was “of course they do”, with the claim that Twitter is well known fo...
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