Publications by fpd4fv Francis Driscoll
Dataset Overview: We decided to use a dataset that represents the environmental circumstances of students and the performance of those students on exams. This dataset is fictional and was developed for data science practice. The dataset includes information about a student’s gender, race and ethnicity, parental level of education, school meal p...
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Dataset Overview: We decided to use a dataset that represents the environmental circumstances of students and the performance of those students on exams. This dataset is fictional and was developed for data science practice. The dataset includes information about a student’s gender, race and ethnicity, parental level of education, school meal p...
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Dataset Overview: We decided to use a dataset that represents the environmental circumstances of students and the performance of those students on exams. This dataset is fictional and was developed for data science practice. The dataset includes information about a student’s gender, race and ethnicity, parental level of education, school meal p...
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Review of Oracle article "What is Data Science?"
Article Summary: This article published from a team at Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - OCI - provides an introduction to the process of data science. The authors are careful to clear confusion about more abstract topics such as the nuances between data science, AI, and machine learning. What’s the difference between data science, AI, and machine...
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NBA Player Acquisition Recommendation Lab
Lab Prompt “You are a scout for the worst team in the NBA, probably the Wizards. Your general manager just heard about Data Science and thinks it can solve all the teams problems! She wants you to figure out a way to find players that are high performing but maybe not highly paid that you can steal to get the team to the playoffs!” Summary o...
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Summary of Approach to Recommending Players for Acquisition This site will showcase my data-driven approach for recommending players for acquisition an NBA team. I am using a two-stage approach that will combine an unsupervised machine learning clustering approach and a supervised machine learning regression model to make educated predictions abo...
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R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within t...
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