Publications by fishR Blog

Age Comparison Results for Individual Fish


A FSA user recently asked me if there was a way to see and work with the age comparison results for individual fish. In particular, this user wanted to identify each fish for which the individual CV values from comparing two independent age estimates was greater than 10. It turns out that this is fairly easy to do once you realize how the resul...

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Two New Cumulative Sum Functions


In fisheries analysis it is fairly common to compute the cumulative sum of values in a vector – i.e., all values before and including the current position in the vector. For example, the third value in the cumulative sum would be the sum of the first, second, and third values in the original vector. These types of cumulative sums are easily ...

1969 sym R (684 sym/6 pcs)

Figure and Table Captions in Markdown


The Problem I have been attempting to use RMarkdown rather than LaTeX to produce R examples. One issue that has slowed my conversion has been my struggles with how to reference figures and tables. The examples below illustrate how I have been using captioner to solve this problem. The Solution Foundation For a simple example, I load FSAdata for...

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FSA Released


I am pleased to announce that the FSA (Fish Stock Assessment) package has been released on CRAN. This package has been in development for several years, but this is the initial release on CRAN and coincides with the forthcoming Introductory Fisheries Analysis with R book. The companion FSAdata package, which contains only fisheries-related data...

1260 sym

Fisheries Data Sets


A large number of small data sets are available in the FSA and FSAdata packages. These data sets may be useful for demonstrating typical fisheries science analyses in an undergraduate or early graduate fisheries science and management course or if one is self-teaching how to perform these analyses. Indeed, several of these data sets are used in...

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Bioenergetics in R Workshop


It was just brought to my attention that there will be a workshop at the upcoming Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference (Grand Rapids, MI) on the Bioenergetics 4.0 shiny app. The announcement from here (where there is a registration link) is below (I added the links): Instructors: Dr. David Deslauriers, Post Doctoral Fellow, Department of Biolo...

1774 sym

R Workshop at SFS Meeting


I just noticed that there will be an Introduction to R workshop at the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting in Sacramento on 20-May-20-16. Here is a link to the announcement. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: fishR Blog. offers daily e-mail updates about R new...

577 sym

Published — Introductory Fisheries Analyses with R


I am pleased to announce that my Introductory Fisheries Analyses with R (IFAR) book has been published, almost two weeks ahead of schedule. Details about the book (and companion website) are here and it can be purchased from CRC Press (at a 20% discount through the end of the year). A brief description and table of contents for the book are bel...

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IFAR Preview in Google Books


A preview of the Introductory Fisheries Analyses with R book is available here on Google Books. The preview is only of the Table of Contents and Chapter 1. However, you can search within the book, though pages returned by the search are not shown in full. The book is available from CRC Press, still at a 20% discount (and free shipping) through ...

761 sym

FSA v0.8.5 Released


A new minor version (0.8.5) of the FSA (Fisheries Stock Assessment) package was recently released and is now on CRAN. A full description of changes is here. Major changes are: agePrecision(): Fixed bug related to computations of percent agreement when NA values were present. There was an inconsistency between when what="precision" and what="di...

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