Publications by fibosworld
Displaying german stock performance with R using ggplot2
I cannot follow stock market developments daily, so I was looking for a quick overview of what had happened in the last week. What would be of interest for me is “How did German stocks perform over the last 5 days, compared to the last 20 trading days and the last 250 trading days”. R in combination with the right packages delivers a quick ...
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Using twitteR to see, what german press secretary tweets about
Find the HTML-slides here, and the .Rmd-file that was used to generate here. How to deal with .Rmd-files, see here What this is about These are my first steps to play around with the interface from R to twitter, using the twitteR-package. We will load the latest 1500 (maximum the API allows) tweets from the user @RegSprecher, who is the spokesman...
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ggplot2 – much easier with JGR and Deducer
In the last R-User meeting in Cologne, we had a discussion about using ggplot2 – and I gave a short introduction of how to use ggplot2 with JGR and Deducer. Basically, JGR is a Graphical User Interface for R, and Deducer is a kind of “data analysis plugin”, that also comes with a so-called “plot builder” running ggplot2. This feature al...
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Basic ideas on aggregate, plyr and crosstables!
A common task using R is the investigation of one particular dataset. Usually we have a mixture of numerical and categorial data and are interested in some statistics (e.g. means and so on). And there are a lot of threads, blogs etc around that. Sorry for adding another one, but so I remember myself. Let’s take as example the dataset diamonds t...
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Change fonts in ggplot2, and create xkcd style graphs
Installing and changing fonts in your plots comes now easy with the extrafonts-package. There is a excellent tutorial on the extrafonts github site, still I will shortly demonstrate how it worked for me. First, install the package and load it. install.packages("extrafont") library(extrafont) You can now install the desired system fonts (at the m...
2695 sym R (1245 sym/8 pcs) 8 img
R talks to Weka about Data Mining
R provides us with excellent resources to mine data, and there are some good overviews out there: Yanchang’s website with Examples and a nice reference card The rattle-package that introduces a nice GUI for R, and Graham William’s compendium of tools The caret-package that offers a unified interface to running a multitude of model builders. ...
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