Publications by FENG LIN S3522722

Data preprocessing water quality monitoring data


Required packages Here are the packages used in this assignment. library(readr) library(tidyr) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(knit...

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Sex physical differences in Abalone


Female Greater than Male? Sex physical differences in Abalone FENG LIN S3522722 Last updated: 18/10/2020 Introduction Abalone is the name of a group of single shelled snails. The shell attached permanently with body. Commonly found in Vic, Tas and NSW. Traditional food source for aboriginal people and now also commercially farmed. Problem S...

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How COVID19 changed the crime trend in NSW?


How did NSW crime trends change during COVID lockdown period(Apr to Jun 2020)? Column NSW Crime Number between Apr and Jun through 2011 to 2020 NSW Most Decreasing and Most Increasing Offences during lockdown (compared to same time 2019) Column NSW LGA Crime Trend Change during lockdown with reference change of previous year Column Numb...

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MATH 2270 Assignment 2


Click the Original, Code and Reconstruction tabs to read about the issues and how they were fixed. Original Objective The original data visualisation is to reflect the change of time spent on personal relationships with different people through our lifetimes. It tries to help audience understand how our social connections and behaviours evolve ...

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NSW monthly drug offence time series analysis


Introduction Drug crime is a headache for almost every modern society. It could damage the physical and mental wellbeing of community members and often associate with violent or organised crimes. What is the trend of drug crime in Australia and can we predict the future offence number? In this report, we will analyse the time series of monthly dr...

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NSW monthly drug offence series


26/05/2021 Data Description The original dataset contains monthly data on all criminal incidents recorded by New South Wales Police, sourced from NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research website (2021), Open Data, available online. Reporting period from January 1995 to December 2020. We process the original data, extract and sum all the drug ...

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NSW and VIC current COVID waves



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NSW and VIC current COVID waves



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