Publications by fangya

paper review


Article reviewed: Gradient Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition Reference: Summary: Hand written digit recognition task. CNN specifically designed to deal with 2D shapes Five Cā€™s: Category: Context: Correctness: Contributions: Clarity: Outline: ####1. Handwritten character recogniti...

3355 sym

chocolate bar anaysis


1 šŸ« Introduction We are often dazzling by the massive amount of choices of different chocolate brands in grocery stores or shops. In this project we will utilize EDA and Basic modeling to explore the chocolate bar rating dataset for: Which country produces the highest rate chocolate bar? What locations produce the top quality cocao beans? Is...

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Shanghai Car License plate price EDA+ ARIMA


1 ???? Background As an international city, Shanghai has become the center of attention of East Asia, along with the expedited development, traffic and air quality became one of the most cumbersome issues. We will do some exploratory data analysis for overall car license by year,by season and by month, and perform the ARIMA time series. Note:...

4210 sym R (18233 sym/54 pcs) 28 img



Article Reviewed: Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large scale Image Recognition Basic: Summary: a deep evaluation of CNN with 3x3 filters, it demonstrates a significant improvement on prior-art configurations by 16-19 weight layers. The best performing ConvNet models. Questions: 1. what is smallest s...

2565 sym



1 šŸ“ Introduction We will use the CITES Wildlife Trade Database in 2016 to visualize the countries Import and Export the most for wildLife products and how are they distributed. In addition, we will look the purpose of the Wild animal trading and how it related with different countries. Furthermore, we will figure out and demonstrate what is th...

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Spotify 2018 Top 100 Song anlaysis


Import Packages 1 Introduction The Top Spotify Tracks of 2018 dataset contains 100 of the most popular songs. In this notebook, we will analyze the data structure and try to identify what are the secret ingredients(Tempo, Keys, Name) for popular songs. I normally listen to Chinese pop music or Classical music, thanks to this dataset, I listened ...

10621 sym R (18700 sym/34 pcs) 37 img

paper review for Image Net


Week 6 ref: Article reviewed: ImageNet Classification with Deep CNN Basic: Summary: If we have immense computing power (GPU) then we can use the CNN (a mixed of Conv+fully connected) and utilize labeled data to improve the image classification. This will work for Super Vision. To train large, deep CNN f...

1636 sym

DenseNet paper Review


Week 5 Article reviewed: Densely Connected CN Summary: DenseNet connects each layer to every other layer in a feed-forward fashion, \(L(L+1)/2\) layers. Pros: 1. alleviate the vanishing- gradient, 2. strengthen feature propagation, 3. encourage feature reuse, 4. substantially reduce the number of parameters. 5...

2961 sym

Week 7 ResNet Paper Review


0.1 R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both # week 7 ref: Article Review...

3299 sym

Moma cloud tour


1.šŸ–¼ MOMA Introduction Ā¶ MOMA is one of the signature NYC tourist places, due to COVID, many people might miss the chance to visit. I decided to do a data analysis on the MOMA artists and the artworks that I like together with GANS to create a cloud tour! Hope you will enjoy this art data journey. Data Source: MOMA, MOMA website Color Scheme: ...

8163 sym R (13270 sym/26 pcs) 15 img