Publications by Eve Thorner

Final Project


Final Project Eve Thorner May 4, 2023 Introduction Hello, I am once again asking all of you to read about college_scorecard data [insert Bernie Sanders meme here]. As we have learned, the college_scorecard data set provides us with an inside look into public, private non-profit, and private for-profit universities across the United States. Th...

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HW6: Scraping Ethically from the web


Assignment 6: Scraping Data Ethically From a Web Source Eve Thorner 2023-05-01 Introduction How does Xavier University compare against other universities within 100 miles of campus, from the perspective of student satisfaction? Has Xavier received more positive reviews than negative? Have colleges as a whole seen positive trends on satisfactio...

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Assignment 5: Data from APIs


Assignment 5: Data from APIs Eve Thorner 2023-04-12 Introduction This report analyzes similarities between 50 upscale steakhouses and 50 sports bars that are all located in Cincinnati, Ohio. The data was collected from Yelp using the Yelp API, which we learned about in class. Some of the variables that were collected include: Name of Restaura...

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Assignment 4 Part 1 - Eve T


Breach Data - Assignment 4 Part 1 Eve Thorner 2023-02-27 Introduction The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), which resides within the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), is responsible for collecting and reporting disclosures of protected health information (PHI) as mandated by law. Part of the law requires that the OCR report cases...

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Assignment 4 Part 2 - Eve T


Netflix Data - Assignment 4 Part 2 Eve Thorner 2023-02-27 Introduction I found an interesting dataset from Kaggle that lists over 100 Netflix movies and tv series, in addition to their respective ratings from Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb. Other variables included are genre, languages, runtime, director, actors, writers, posters, box office inform...

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Drumroll Please...Scorecard's Back!


College Scorecard Dubs EMT 2023-02-15 Why should you care about college_scorecard? Aside from being our fierce leader’s favorite data set, college_scorecard provides us with an inside look into public, private non-profit, and private for-profit universities across the United States. Through this data set, we are able to better understand str...

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