Publications by Ernesto Cancho-Rodriguez

Laboratory 08 Functions in R @ECR Master Template hecho desde R Cloud Studio


Primero la Sección de Librerías de Funciones: # rownames(installed.packages()) list.of.packages <- c( "arm" , "broom" , "corrplot" , "cowplot" , "datasets" , "datasets" , "dplyr" , "eeptools" , "estimatr" , "FinCal" , "formatR" , "ggfortify" , "ggpubr" , "haven" , "Hmisc" , "infer" , "knitr" , "lmtest" , "margins" , "nycfligh...

4561 sym R (4083 sym/20 pcs)

Laboratory 08 importData @ECR Master Template hecho desde R Cloud Studio


Primero la Sección de Librerías de Funciones: # rownames(installed.packages()) list.of.packages <- c( "arm" , "broom" , "corrplot" , "cowplot" , "datasets" , "datasets" , "dplyr" , "eeptools" , "estimatr" , "FinCal" , "formatR" , "ggfortify" , "ggpubr" , "haven" , "Hmisc" , "infer" , "knitr" , "lmtest" , "margins" , "nycfligh...

4561 sym R (4083 sym/20 pcs)

Lab05_Functions en Maestra ECR v03


Primero la Sección de Librerías de Funciones: # rownames(installed.packages()) list.of.packages <- c( "arm" , "broom" , "corrplot" , "cowplot" , "datasets" , "datasets" , "dplyr" , "eeptools" , "estimatr" , "FinCal" , "formatR" , "ggfortify" , "ggpubr" , "haven" , "Hmisc" , "infer" , "knitr" , "lmtest" , "m...

7349 sym R (4548 sym/31 pcs)

21.09.24.RNoteBook Maestra01


Esta es mi primera maestra para un R MarkDown NoteBook. plot(cars) #código de Prueba A partir de aquí hacia abajo comienza la estructura. LS0tDQp0aXRsZTogIk1hZXN0cmEgZGUgUiBOb3RlYm9vayBFQ1IiDQpvdXRwdXQ6IGh0bWxfbm90ZWJvb2sNCi0tLQ0KDQpFc3RhIGVzIG1pIHByaW1lcmEgbWFlc3RyYSBwYXJhIHVuIFIgTWFya0Rvd24gTm90ZUJvb2suIA0KDQpgYGB7cn0NCnBsb3QoY2FycykgIyBDw7N...

433 sym R (28 sym/1 pcs) 1 img

R Notebook 01 - Grupo de Estudio de R


This is an R Markdown Notebook. When you execute code within the notebook, the results appear beneath the code. Try executing this chunk by clicking the Run button within the chunk or by placing your cursor inside it and pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter. plot(cars) cars Add a new chunk by clicking the Insert Chunk button on the toolbar or by pressing ...

1938 sym R (14 sym/2 pcs) 1 img

Maestra #2 de R Notebook ECR


Primero la Sección de Librerías de Funciones #rownames(installed.packages()) wants <- c( "magrittr", "tidyverse", "DescTools", "MVN", "mvtnorm", "ggformula", "ez", "lsr", "FinCal" ) has <- wants %in% rownames(installed.packages()) if(any(!has)) install.packages(wants[!has]) library(dplyr) A partir de ...

1972 sym R (2069 sym/13 pcs)

Laboratory #05 of Functions in R


Primero la Sección de Librerías de Funciones: # rownames(installed.packages()) Warning message: R graphics engine version 14 is not supported by this version of RStudio. The Plots tab will be disabled until a newer version of RStudio is installed. list.of.packages <- c( "arm" , "broom" , "corrplot" , "cowplot" , "datasets" , "dat...

7485 sym R (5503 sym/39 pcs)

Ejecutar Query SQL en un R Notebook


Primero la Sección de Librerías de Funciones: # rownames(installed.packages()) list.of.packages <- c( "arm" , "broom" , "corrplot" , "cowplot" , "datasets" , "datasets" , "dplyr" , "eeptools" , "estimatr" , "FinCal" , "formatR" , "ggfortify" , "ggpubr" , "haven" , "Hmisc" , "infer" , "knitr" , "lmtest" , "m...

11705 sym R (16381 sym/81 pcs) 2 img

DocumenGGplot2, Query SQL en R, for & funciones


Primero la Sección de Librerías de Funciones: ```{r INSTALACION LIBRERIAS } Error: attempt to use zero-length variable name Llamada a LIBRERIAS: # Adicionales Octubre 2021: library(sqldf) # Para SQL en R Loading required package: gsubfn Loading required package: proto Loading required package: RSQLite A partir de aquí la Sección de Imp...

14755 sym R (14031 sym/113 pcs) 3 img

RMarkdown Test | Sunday, October 10, 2021


Diagramas de Barras de Ernesto Vamos a utilizar la función barplot() y los paquetes gpplot2 y lattice. EJERCICIOS ADICIONALES CON mtcars: #mtcars tabla.1 <- table( mtcars$cyl ) #tabla.1 colores <- c( "orange" , "green" , "yellow" ) #colores plot.1 <- barplot( tabla.1 , xlab = "Cilindros...

788 sym R (1308 sym/7 pcs) 4 img