Publications by Erick Gong

Lab -1 STATA


Where should I store my files/data? We strongly recommend using either OneDrive or Dropbox to store your files. They are both cloud-based storage that works fairly seemlesly on your laptop. Which one to choose? OneDrive is provided by Middlebury College for free. You’ll want to install the OneDrive client on your laptop. Go to Middlebury ITS Wi...

1407 sym



Are the uninsured more likely to end up in poverty? Health insurance has a number of benefits, but perhaps one of the largest is its ability to shield individuals (and families) from catastrophic financial ruin. In the United States, health expenses are one of the leading causes of personal bankrupcy. Also, given that health insurance in the Unit...

2124 sym



Purpose: We build a simple loop to demonstrate how the Central Limit Theorem works. The dataset and the markdown (.Rmd) files can be found here Load Data The data comes from Econ 210 Spring 2021, where students drew with replacement from a deck of cards (1-10). The sample size is n=5, so students drew a card, recorded the number, replaced the ca...

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Source: NY Times What explains the differences in covid-19 cases throughout the United States? Mask usage most likely plays an important role in mitigating the spread of covid-19. We’ll explore whether mask usage corresponds to differences in covid-19 cases. All the datasets we’ll be using are on the county level (unit of observation = count...

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As the Equal Justice Initiative states, “The lynching of African Americans was terrorism, a widely supported campaign to enforce racial subordination and segregation.” We will examine if areas that had lynchings at the turn of the 20th century are more prone to police violence. Before beginning this problem set, please read “Lynching in Ame...

2885 sym



Stata is a statistical software package popular in the economics field. Stata Markdown is a user-written package that allows one to use the code-editor (DO Editor) to combine text and code to create html/pdf output. Getting Started Start with a .stmd and open it. .stmd is the file format for “STATA markdown” and we provide a template that yo...

1820 sym R (257 sym/6 pcs)



Getting Started Using your email, go to this link to sign up for the workspace. You can download the app for free. Etiquette and discourse on Slack At Middlebury, we strive to make our campus a respectful, engaged community that embraces difference with all the complexity and individuality each person brings. Each student in this...

1033 sym

DA 1


The Data The data comes from the ARDA. To get started, let’s load the data. GSS<-read_excel("GSS_Secular.xlsx") The variables we will use are the following -Income_High = 1 if household income +$75,000 -NONES = 1 if individual is unaffiliated with any organized religion -Believe_God = 1 if individual is very confident that God exists -attend_re...

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Office Hours In Person Zoom Link Slack All communications and submissions of milestones will be done via Slack. GoogleDrive Slides, notes, and course material will be avaiable on GoogleDrive. OneDrive I recommend installing the OneDrive app on your laptop. It is free for Middlebury Users. Set up a folder “ECON_701”. Within this folder, cr...

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The Data The data comes from our class survey. First load the data. We will call the dataset sd as an abbreviation for survey data. sd<-read_excel("survey_data.xlsx") Explore the Data Each observation (or row) is an individual survey response. We can see what variables are in the dataset. We can match these variables to the survey. names(sd) ## ...

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