Publications by Ronaldo Echeverria
COVID-19 Deaths
COVID-19 Deaths Since the start of the covid-19 pandemic, contagion and mortality data have been collected, this is an analysis of the epidemic data. library("ggplot2") ## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'tibble': ## method from ## format.tbl pillar ## print.tbl pillar library("dplyr") ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The fo...
1097 sym R (7600 sym/30 pcs) 12 img
Storm and Weather Events Analysis
Storm and Wather Events Analysis The following information is accross to storm and other weather events, between 1950 and 2005. The information is disponible in this url ## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'tibble': ## method from ## format.tbl pillar ## prin...
875 sym R (11205 sym/11 pcs) 2 img
Storm and Weather Events Analysis
Storm and Wather Events Analysis The following information is accross to storm and other weather events, between 1950 and 2005. The information is disponible in this url ## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'tibble': ## method from ## format.tbl pillar ## prin...
875 sym R (11205 sym/11 pcs) 2 img
Words Prediction
Words prediction The goal of this exercise is to create a product to highlight the prediction algorithm that you have built and to provide an interface that can be accessed by others. To be able to do this we will rely on information from blogs, twitter and news, using the libraries. NLP tm ngram stringr RWeka
1344 sym R (3221 sym/5 pcs)
Data Science Capstone Week 2
Data Science Capstone Week 2 The goal of this project is just to display that you’ve gotten used to working with the data and that you are on track to create your prediction algorithm. Please submit a report on R Pubs that explains your exploratory analysis and your goals for the eventual app and algorithm. This document should be concise and e...
1530 sym R (3182 sym/17 pcs) 3 img
Precios Hedonicos
Precios Hedonicos Los precios hedonicos tienen las siguientes caracteristicas: Precios hedónicos cuando se venden en el mercado bienes diferenciados por el atributo de calidad. Modelos hedónicos hacen parte de valoración de no mercado por que los bienes y servicios ocasionalmente tienen calidades que no proporciona el mercado. Muchas de las a...
2587 sym R (6664 sym/16 pcs) 3 img
Guatemala Population
Guatemala Population This is an analysis of the population growth of the Republic of Guatemala and a look at how the population has migrated from the Rural area to the Urban area. library("dplyr") library("plotly") setwd("/home/ron/Documentos/DataScience/") datos <- read.csv("poblacion_guatemala.csv") datos$Poblacion_Urbana <- datos$Poblacion_To...
270 sym R (1432 sym/5 pcs)
COVID-19 in Central America
COVID-19 in Central America This information is a representative information to COVID-19 in Central America, this analysis contains data to deaths and population. The radius circle is the relation deaths and population. points = data.frame(name=c("Guatemala","El Salvador","Belice","Honduras","Nicaragua","Costa Rica","Panamá","Cuba","México"), ...
229 sym R (823 sym/1 pcs)