Publications by Enwu Liu
Confidence interval for ratios
There are three methods to construct confidence intervals for ratio parameters, namely: (1) Delta method (2) Fieller’s method and (3) profile-likelihood based interval on generalized linear model (GLM) technique. Here is a very good note on Taylor Approximation and the Delta Method. Another one Refer to: 1.Beyene, Joseph, and Rahim Moineddin...
619 sym
Confidence interval for ratio parameters
There are three methods to construct confidence intervals for ratio parameters, namely: (1) Delta method (2) Fieller’s method and (3) profile-likelihood based interval on generalized linear model (GLM) technique. Refer to: 1.Beyene, Joseph, and Rahim Moineddin. “Methods for confidence interval estimation of a ratio parameter with applicatio...
534 sym
Rstudio blank GUI
“when start RStudio, none of the windows inside the main frame come up, and none of the menu options display menu options when clicked. It’s just an blank page.” This problem quite common for R studio software. I also have this problem. I found this solution is working for me. In Windows Explorer, go to C:. Delete the Desktop.ini file F...
454 sym
Clumping is a procedure in which only the most significant SNP (i.e., the one with the lowest p-value) within each LD block is identified and chosen for further analysis. This process decreases the correlation among the remaining SNPs while preserving those SNPs with the most robust statistical support. Here is the clumping procedure by the pli...
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A note on competing risks in survival data analysis
Competing risks are quite common in epidemiological studies, and various modeling approaches have been developed to assess the impact of covariates on outcome in the presence of these competing risks. These methods include the cause-specific hazard model, the Fine-Gray model (also known as the sub-distribution hazard model), the multi-states m...
11857 sym R (5980 sym/10 pcs) 7 img
A SAS macro to change all variable names in a dataset.
Sometimes, we need to change the names of variables in a dataset. This is particularly common in Mendelian randomization studies when merging two datasets with many overlapping variable names. To prevent the overwriting of variables with the same names, we must rename one of them. The following SAS macro is highly efficient for performing this ...
428 sym Python (1067 sym/1 pcs)
A note on competing risks in survival data analysis
Competing risks are quite common in epidemiological studies, and various modeling approaches have been developed to assess the impact of covariates on outcome in the presence of these competing risks. These methods include the cause-specific hazard model, the Fine-Gray model (also known as the sub-distribution hazard model), the multi-states m...
11855 sym R (5980 sym/10 pcs) 7 img
Tensor and tensor product
A Tensor is a container which can house data in N dimensions. Tensors are in fact generalizations of matrices to N-dimensional spaces, which is why they’re often used interchangeably with the matrix, (which is specifically a 2-dimensional or Rank2 tensor).\(^1\) Tensor product for the vector:components of the first vector are multiplied by t...
1409 sym
Simulating survival data with competing risk
Specify the cause-specific hazards \(\alpha_{01}(t)\) and \(\alpha_{02}(t)\).(suppose there were only two competing events) Simulate failure times \(T\) with all-cause hazard \(\alpha_0(t) = \alpha_{01}(t) + \alpha_{02}(t)\). Run a binomial experiment for a simulated failure time \(T\), which decides with probability \(\alpha_{0j}(T)/(\alpha_{01...
1257 sym
Kolmogorov differential equations
This is a note for the Kolmogorov differential equations from the MIT OpenCourseWare Discrete Stochastic Processes. For the example 6.3.1 a 2-state Markov process where \(q_{01}=\lambda\) and \(q_{10}=\mu\) Use the Kolmogorov forward equations for \(P_{01}(t)\), we get the following equation: \[\dfrac{dP_{01}(t)}{dt} = \lambda -P_{01}(t)(\la...
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