Publications by Emre TOROS
Harold D. Lasswell Harold D. Lasswell American political scientist and communications theorist. Worked at the University of Chicago and Yale University. Known for groundbreaking work on propaganda and communication models. how, why and under what conditions propagandists could be successful and, in doing so, indicated when and why audiences were...
7866 sym
Semiotics What is this? Introduction Signs vs people Not an easy term to define Study of signs What is a sign? Regular signs vs words Key theorists Saussure, Pierce, Morris Barthes, Greimas, Eco, Kristeva Investigating the nature of signs & classifying and interpreting sign systems & studying how people use them More definitions Umberto E...
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The Frankfurt School Introduction Theory’s link with real world: linked to a troubled period in European affairs. Impact of the First World War (1914–18); the Russian Revolution; the ‘Stalinisation’ of Russia; the subjugation by Moscow of Communist Parties in other parts of Europe; the emergence of Nazism and Fascism during the 1920s and...
8097 sym
Semiotics What is this? Introduction Signs vs people Not an easy term to define Study of signs What is a sign? Regular signs vs words Key theorists Saussure, Pierce, Morris Barthes, Greimas, Eco, Kristeva Investigating the nature of signs & classifying and interpreting sign systems & studying how people use them More definitions Umberto E...
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The Data library(readxl) tga<- read_excel("C:/Users/emretoros/OneDrive/Projeler/2019_1001/Trust/2022_rr/kabul_sonrasi/anket/sahasonuc/tga_v3.xlsx") Selecting the variables for gullible trust, all arranged as the theoritcal setup, high values high Gullible Trust library(tidyverse) gul <- tga %>% select(b01_num_r , #political interest ...
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