Publications by Elvriana Elvani(20184920012)

Goodness of Fit


1 Exercise 1.1 Exercise 1 Please work out in R by doing a chi-squared test on the treatment (X) and improvement (Y) columns in treatment.csv. Answer data <- read.csv("C:/Users/user/Downloads/treatment.csv") # Read Data head(data, 10) # Shows 10 from 105 data of treatment ## id treatment imp...

5704 sym R (1946 sym/17 pcs) 1 img

Confidence Intervals


1 Brief Introduction Please watching this video, to get some ideas about Confidence Intervals (CI) 2 CI in Business This video guide you, how can you apply Confidence Intervals in Business. 3 Your Exercise In this section, your expected to get familiar with confidential intervals exercise: 3.1 Exercise 1 Find a point estimate of average univer...

29166 sym R (10415 sym/89 pcs) 5 img

Linear Programming Model


Case Study A manufacturing manager is in charge of minimizing the total costs (raw materials, labor and storage costs) of the following four months. In Table 3.1 can be found the cost of raw materials of one unit of final product, the demand of final product and the working hours available for each month. Labor costs are of 12 € per hour, and o...

7021 sym R (4969 sym/27 pcs) 1 img

Probability Distributions


1 Binomial Distribution 1.1 Question What is a binomial distribution in Statistics? What is binomial distribution used for? Please argue 4 requirements needed to be a binomial distribution? Is a binomial distribution a normal distribution? Suppose there are twenty multiple choice questions in an Statistics class quiz. Each question has five pos...

27226 sym R (632 sym/20 pcs) 1 img

Solving Nonlinear Equations


1 Bisection Method The bisection method is another approach to finding the root of a continuous function \(f(x)\) on an interval \([a,b]\). The method takes advantage of a corollary of the intermediate value theorem called Bolzano’s theorem which states that if the values of \(f(a)\) and \(f(b)\) have opposite signs, the interval must contain a...

38209 sym R (7288 sym/38 pcs) 15 img

Hypothesis Testing


1 Introduction As a data scientist you probably retain or reject hypothesis based on measurements of observed samples. The decision is often based on a statistical mechanism called hypothesis testing. Let’s watching the following video: There are three conditions of having hypothesis testing included: Left Tailed Test: When the \(\bar{x}\) is...

66317 sym R (11287 sym/79 pcs) 5 img

General Optimization


1 General Optimization In mathematics, nonlinear programming (NLP) is the process of solving an optimization problem where some of the constraints or the objective function are nonlinear. An optimization problem is one of calculation of the extrema (maxima, minima or stationary points) of an objective function over a set of unknown real variables...

48521 sym R (7167 sym/32 pcs) 8 img

Expectation Maximization (Ekspektasi Maksimalisasi)


1 Ekspektasi Maksimalisasi Di kelas ini kita akan mengimplementasikan algoritma Ekspektasi Maksimalisasi untuk memperkirakan parameter Gaussian Mixture. Metode ini menyediakan pengklasifikasi tanpa pengawasan yang sangat berguna ketika diasumsikan distribusi Gaussian. Misalkan kita ingin memodelkan parameter populasi yang diasumsikan menjadi sala...

15906 sym R (446724 sym/14 pcs) 8 img

Inferensi dalam Regresi Linier


1 Inferensi dalam Regresi Linier Setelah membaca bagian ini, Anda akan dapat: Memahami distribusi perkiraan regresi. Membuat perkiraan interval untuk parameter regresi, respons rata-rata, dan prediksi. Uji signifikansi regresi. Bagian terakhir kita mendefinisikan model regresi linier sederhana, \[Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i + \epsilon_i\] diman...

79489 sym R (10000 sym/81 pcs) 9 img

Final Optimization


Email: RPubs: 1 Soal 1 Let say you would like to make some sausages and you have the following ingredients available: Ingredient Cost($/kg) Availability(kg) Chicken 4.32 30 Wheat 2.46 20 Starch 1.86 17 Assume that you will make 2 types of sausage: Economy (>40% Chicken) Premium (>60% Chick...

17433 sym R (381399 sym/91 pcs) 11 img