Publications by Eitan Tzelgov
Difference in means
Goals of the meeting We will understand how to estimate causal effects using the difference-in-means estimate We will learn new, powerful expressions (functions etc.) in R We will apply these methods to study: Whether class size has an impact on education attainment Whether there is implicit racial discrimination in the job market in the U.S. How...
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``` r list.files() ## [1] "movies_messy.csv" "rsconnect" ## [3] "skeleton.html" "Tidy data tutorial.Rmd" ## [5] "Tidy-data-tutorial.html" "Tidy-data-tutorial.Rmd" getwd() ## [1] "/cloud/project/Tidy data tutorial" This is a Web Exercise template created by the #PsyTeachR team at the University of Glasgow, based on id...
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Visual display
Visual display of information Eitan Tzelgov Where we are and where we’re going You might be slightly confused at this point, but… This is new stuff for all of you, and is ‘cutting-edge’ in terms of skills, so take your time, and work hard. We talked about different way of describing numeric variables (mean, variance, standard deviat...
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Speeches and Votes Lecture
Parliamentary Studies Lecture: Speeches and Votes Dr Eitan Tzelgov Quick overview: readings and methodological approach summary The scientific method We rely on theories (A theory is a set of interrelated concepts, definitions, and propositions that explains or predicts events or situations by specifying relations among variables.) And derive...
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Speeches and Votes seminar
Parliamentary Studies: Speeches and Votes Dr Eitan Tzelgov So... The Art of Political Manipulation (William Riker, 1986) “They win because they have set up the situation in such a way that other people will want to join them – even without any persuasion at all. And this is what heresthetic is all about: structuring the world so you can wi...
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More Regression Dr Eitan Tzelgov What did we talk about last week? Linear regression: We are estimating a model based on fitting a line that minimizes the squared errors! This means that the linear regression model finds the line that minimizes the (squared) distance between it and the observations It looks something like this: \[ y_i = \...
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Nominal association
Nominal Association Eitan Tzelgov 15/11/2022 How it started How it ended Our research question: Is there an association between the social class of passengers and their survival? Independent variable: social class (ordinal: 1st / 2nd / 3rd class) Dependent variable: survival (nominal: survived / died) Loading our Titanic data load("C:/Us...
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Media and Society 2022
Populist CommunicationDr. Eitan Tzelgov, Senior Lecturer in Politics Did you say populism? Everyone's been talking about it, but what is it? How do we know? What do we think? Is it about opposing democracy? Is it extreme? Is it spreading fake-news? Is it related to the radical-right? Is it Donald Trump? Is it about opposing democracy? Is i...
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Media and Society 2022
Populist CommunicationDr. Eitan Tzelgov, Senior Lecturer in Politics Did you say populism? Everyone's been talking about it, but what is it? How do we know? Goals Review some of the approaches used to study populism Think about why populism fits into the logic of social media Place populist communications within a cleavage and left-right co...
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Logistic regression in action
Logistic regression in action Eitan Tzelgov 29/11/2022 Setup The goal of the analysis presented below is to help you understand how to estimate and interpret logistic regression models. The data is taken from work I have done with Dr Delia Dumitrescu. For the purpose of this exercise, below I present two models. examining the relationship b...
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