Publications by Duong Tran

Use Your Favourite Program Editor



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Convert SVG to PNG/PDF


Introduction One of my previous posted was a Shiny App that converts PDF to PNG/JPEG formats; similarly this App converts SVG to PNG/PDF formats. Since SVG is a vector based format, you can convert it to PNG in ‘any’ resolutions; the higher the chosen number of pixels, the higher the resolution. The App will indicate the source aspect ratio. ...

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Custom Annotate SVG Images with ggplot2



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SVG Text Generator



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Embed Images in a PROC REPORT Table


Introduction Proc Report in SAS is well known for presenting static text tables; less so for its capability of presenting embed images. I think is because the lack of examples on its ‘full’ potential! A while ago I posted an example done with the flextable package in R and wonder how to do similar in SAS. The table below now is such an exampl...

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Proc Report Header and Footer Lines


Introduction This is a deficit for those that work in clinical reporting will no doubt be familiar with. That is Proc Report in SAS does not automatically put in the top header and footer lines. You typically do this with the “put” statement within a compute block, specifying their lengths. Straight forward enough until you add, widen the col...

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Mondrian's Art with Proc Report


Introduction These are known as Mondrian’s art, after the Dutch painter Piet Mondrian. Somehow just straight lines and a few colours can produce aesthetics pleasing images! I used SAS Proc Report to produce these images - not the best tool for this but I want to demonstrate that it can be done! You can make it more complex (i.e. more cells) if...

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Chess Board and Pieces with Proc Report


Introduction You would not have guessed if were’nt told, but these two images were actually created entirety from SAS Proc Report ODS RTF, without any post-processing! The board and chess pieces’ colours can be changed easily. I left these images in RTF this time but it’s easy to convert them to PNG etc. Refer to my earlier post (Proc Repor...

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DocumenEmbed Images with Proc Report


Introduction This is a follow on from my last post (Proc Report RTF to PNG) - again using Proc Report. Here, I am demonstrating by removing some border lines, you get the effect of a two-dimensional panel plot! Note: the text rotation was achieved by post-processing the RTF file. Figure 1 ...

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Proc Report RTF to PNG


Introduction Why would you do this? My last post shows an embedded image in an RTF format, produced from SAS Proc Report. A natural follow on question would be, can it be in PNG, since such reports are more useful in PNG than RTF. That is it’s easier to insert a PNG into other documents etc. We wish this process of creating the PNG to be reprod...

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