Publications by Dr. Viviana Wu
Lab 1 (Answer Key)
Install and load all necessary libraries If you have an older version of R, run the following codes to update it to the latest version. Lecture Slides for Week 1 is available here R Studio R Studio is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This program serves as a text editor, data manager, and package library to help you read and write R...
5538 sym R (4319 sym/24 pcs) 1 img
Lab 10
Lecture 10: Interaction Effects Slides for Week 10 is available here Before adding interaction effects to the model, test the model for potential violations of OLS assumptions. To correct for violations: center age, add a squared age term, and log transform income variable in a new temporary dataset. Basic Set Up and install and load all necessar...
2818 sym R (10066 sym/51 pcs) 13 img 4 tbl
Place CF Project
Import Dataset cf_data_clean_new <- read.csv("cf_data_clean_new.csv") Codebook Unit of analysis: County level Variable transformation: Z-score and Centered variables at their means CT_A: Total contribution per $1,000 assets DAF_A: Total DAFs per $1,000 assets median_1000: Median Household income sk_index: Social capital index bachelor: % bache...
1114 sym R (10706 sym/14 pcs) 1 tbl
Matthew Effect Project
Basic Set Up and install and load all necessary libraries options(scipen=999, digits = 2) library(ggplot2) library(ggthemes) library(ggfortify) library(ggpubr) library(corrplot) library(tidyverse) library(dplyr) library(RColorBrewer) library(haven) library(lcsm) library(car) library(psych) library(plm) library(stargazer) library...
2988 sym R (63886 sym/128 pcs) 27 img 5 tbl
Lab 7
Lecture 7: Regression Diagnostics and Variable Transformation Slides for Week 7 is available here. In this tutorial, you will learn how to: run a polynomial linear regression with a log-transformed variable and a quadratic term identify and interpret coefficients, p-value, and goodness of fit measures do logarithm transformation on continuous v...
8665 sym R (11099 sym/88 pcs) 12 img
Lab 5 (Answer Key)
Lecture Slides for Weeks 4 and 5 are available here and here. In this tutorial, you will learn how to: run correlation test visualize correlation create a smaller dataset compute simple linear regression Correlation and Regression Basic Set Up: Install and load all necessary libraries Tips: If you need to install a new package, remove # first...
7924 sym R (7554 sym/39 pcs) 3 img
Lab 5
Lecture Slides for Weeks 4 and 5 are available here and here. In this tutorial, you will learn how to: run correlation test visualize correlation create a smaller dataset compute simple linear regression Correlation and Regression Basic Set Up: Install and load all necessary libraries Tips: If you need to install a new package, remove # first...
6261 sym R (7095 sym/35 pcs) 3 img
Lab 3 (Answer Key)
Lecture Slides for Week 3 is available here. In this tutorial, you will learn how to: run a hypothesis test and find the p-value visualize using ggplot2 library visualize longitudinal data make decisions to transform the variables 🎂 Fun Time: Change the theme of your R Studio! Go to Tools > Global Options > Appearance. Check out other themes...
14323 sym R (16101 sym/65 pcs) 25 img
Lab 2 (Answer Key)
Lecture Slides for Week 2 is available here In this tutorial, you will learn how to: use import, explore and visualize a data set understand data structure of variables in R make decisions to clean the data Additional Readings: 🏆 Code Chunks R Markdown Basic R Markdown Formatting Cheatsheet Step 1: Import a Dataset smoking_data is the va...
8975 sym R (7101 sym/51 pcs) 2 img 1 tbl
Lab 3
Lecture Slides for Week 3 is available here In this tutorial, you will learn how to: run a hypothesis test and find the p-value visualize using ggplot2 library visualize longitudinal data make decisions to transform the variables 🎉 Fun Time: Change the theme of your R Studio! Go to Tools > Global Options > Appearance. Check out other themes ...
8197 sym R (10248 sym/38 pcs) 11 img