Publications by Dr. Chelsey Hill

Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA)


Preliminary We will use the DescTools and caret packages, which were previously installed. In addition, we use the ggplot2 and factoextra for plotting, as well as the cluster and fpc packages. install.packages(c("cluster", "factoextra", "fpc", "ggplot2")) Next, we load all of the necessary libraries for use in the session. li...

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Cluster Validation


Preliminary We will use the DescTools and caret packages, which were previously installed. In addition, we use the ggplot2 and factoextra for plotting, as well as the cluster and fpc packages. Next, we load all of the necessary libraries for use in the session. library(caret) library(DescTools) library(ggplot2) library(cluster) library(factoe...

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Principal Components Analysis (PCA)


Preliminary We will use the DescTools, caret and factoextra packages in the lesson that follows. First, we load the packages for use. library(caret) library(DescTools) library(factoextra) Principal Components Analysis Example 1 The USArrests data set, which is a built-in dataset, contains statistics, in arrests per 100,000 residents for assau...

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Classification: Artificial Neural Networks


Preliminary We will use a new package, the NeuralNetTools package, to visualize our ANN. If you do not already have the NeuralNetTools package installed, you will first install it using the install.packages() function. install.packages("NeuralNetTools") In this lesson, we will also use the DescTools and caret packages. Next, we load the three pac...

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Classification: Support Vector Machines


Preliminary We will not use any new packages, so we will not install any packages. In this lesson, we will use the DescTools, caret and e1071 packages. Next, we load these packages for use in the session. library(caret) library(DescTools) library(e1071) In the lesson that follows we will use the BostonHousing.csv file. The famous Boston Housing...

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Classification: k-Nearest Neighbors


Preliminary We will use the DescTools, caret and class packages. If you do not already have the class package installed, you will first install it using the install.packages() function. install.packages("class") Next, we load all of the necessary libraries for use in the session. library(caret) library(DescTools) library(class) In the lesson th...

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Classification: Naive Bayes


Preliminary We will use the DescTools, caret and e1071 packages. If you do not already have the e1071 package installed, you will first install it using the install.packages() function. install.packages("e1071") Next, we load all of the necessary libraries for use in the session. library(caret) library(DescTools) library(e1071) In this lesson, ...

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Classification Analysis: Logistic Regression


Preliminary We will not use any new packages, so we will not install any packages. In this lesson, we will use the DescTools and caret packages. Next, we load these packages for use in the session. library(caret) library(DescTools) In the lesson that follows we will use the BostonHousing.csv file. The famous Boston Housing dataset contains data ...

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Classification: Decision Trees


Preliminary We will use the DescTools, caret, rpart and rpart.plot packages. If you do not already have the rpart and rpart.plot packages installed, you will first install it using the install.packages() function. install.packages(c("rpart", "rpart.plot")) Next, we load all of the necessary libraries for use in the session. library(caret) librar...

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Classification: Ensemble Methods


Preliminary We will use the DescTools, caret, randomForest and ipred packages. If you do not already have the randomForest and ipred packages installed, you will first install them using the install.packages() function. install.packages(c("randomForest", "ipred")) Next, we load all of the necessary libraries for use in the session. library(caret)...

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