Publications by Dr. C.E. Stapleton

Evaluating OLS Assumptions in R


Introduction Any time you conduct a statistical analysis, you make specific assumptions about the data. For OLS regression, there are several specific assumptions that should be evaluated. Overall, assumption violations in OLS cause two general types of issues: - Bias (Drawing errorenous conclusions about the relationship between some X and som...

18224 sym 13 img

Descriptive Data Review in R


library(haven) ## Warning: package 'haven' was built under R version 4.2.3 library(ggplot2) ## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.2.3 library(rstatix) ## Warning: package 'rstatix' was built under R version 4.2.3 ## ## Attaching package: 'rstatix' ## The following object is masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter libr...

4994 sym Python (10662 sym/64 pcs) 5 img 2 tbl

Interactive OLS Regression


Interaction Effects in Regression Analysis Oftentimes, we expect that some X will influence some Y in a different way depending on on some third variable, Z. If this is the theoretical expectation, we need to explicitly model the interaction between X and Z in our regression. This R tutorial will cover the following: Estimating interactive mode...

7082 sym 4 img

Correlations and Bivariate Linear Regression


Introduction In this tutorial, we will consider how best to analyze and visualize two continuous variables. These techniques are widely used and considered foundational in quantitative research methods. We will cover: Pearson’s R, Spearman’s Rank, and Kendall’s Tau Scatterplots Bivariate Linear Regression Standardized Coefficients data(mt...

16959 sym R (36297 sym/67 pcs) 11 img 2 tbl

CIs and Z-Scores


## Warning: package 'haven' was built under R version 4.2.3 ## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.2.3 ## Warning: package 'rstatix' was built under R version 4.2.3 ## ## Attaching package: 'rstatix' ## The following object is masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter ## Warning: package 'tidyverse' was built under R ver...

5547 sym Python (8298 sym/37 pcs) 2 img 2 tbl

T-tests and ANOVA


library(rstatix) #Allows you to do various statistical tests ## Warning: package 'rstatix' was built under R version 4.2.3 ## ## Attaching package: 'rstatix' ## The following object is masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter library(haven) #Allows you to import wide variety of data types ## Warning: package 'haven' was built under R vers...

14771 sym Python (8726 sym/58 pcs) 2 img 5 tbl

Exploring Survey Data with R


Introduction In this tutorial, we will review basic data exploration and analysis techniques to help explore interesting patterns in your survey results. We will cover the following basic techniques: Univariate Data review Weighted Topline Tables Bar graphs - horizontal, vertical Ordinal and dichotomous variable types Correlations Includi...

18442 sym Python (29954 sym/55 pcs) 12 img

Raw Survey Data Review and Cleaning


Introduction Once you have finished collecting your survey data, it is time to import the raw data into R for cleaning and preparation. Most survey data that you collect yourself will not immediately be ready for analysis. In this tutorial, we will cover the following: Importing raw data in R using haven package How to review the raw data to de...

25490 sym 6 tbl

Topline Tutorial


Introduction Opinion surveys are done to report the findings to some stakeholder(s). In this tutorial, we will review how to create weighted topline results tables and figures to help disseminate information about the survey results. Topline reports are used by survey researchers as way to quickly get as much information about the survey result...

10597 sym 2 img 9 tbl

Rake Weighting in R


Note: This tutorial uses the anesrake package to calculate the survey weights. They are many other packages to calculate weights so this is just one possible approach that could successfully be used to create survey weights. Step By Step Guide to Creating Basic Rake Weights in R Survey weights are widely used in survey research for a variety of...

20396 sym Python (19911 sym/66 pcs) 2 img