Publications by Doreen Mushi

Data Science YouTube Videos Sentiment Analysis


#loading libraries library(dplyr) library(readr) library(tidyr) library(rtweet) library(writexl) library(readxl) library(tidytext) library(textdata) library(ggplot2) library(textdata) library(scales) #reading the excel files learning_datascience <- read_xlsx("data/Learning_Datascience.xlsx") projects <- read_xlsx("data/Project_Tutorials.xlsx")...

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Project Based Youtube Videos


Loading libraries library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages --------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.1 -- ## v ggplot2 3.3.6 v purrr 0.3.4 ## v tibble 3.1.4 v dplyr 1.0.7 ## v tidyr 1.1.3 v stringr 1.4.0 ## v readr 2.0.1 v forcats 0.5.1 ## -- Conflicts ------------------------------------------ tidyverse...

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Census at School: A MOOC Sentiment Analysis


INTRODUCTION This case study presents a sentiment analysis of educators’ opinions on Census at School program mined from discussion forum posts of a MOOC-Ed titled Teaching Statistics through a Data investigation.The MOOC is a professional development program that is targeted toward educators in K-12 and post secondary education systems in the ...

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Doreen Mushi Exercise 6


The scatterplot presents a relationship between Time (in hours)that students spend in the course and the proportion earned at the end of the course. From taking a quick look on the graph, it can be concluded that these two variables are postively correlated. The more the time a student spends on the course, the higher the grade . ...

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Unit 2 Case Study Doreen Mushi


1. Prepare Our Unit 2 Case Study: Collaboration Ties over Time revisits the research of Dr. Alan Daly and centers around the impact No Child Left Behind reform efforts on school and district leadership networks. In this unit we move beyond visual depictions of networks from our previous SNA case study and learn to describe networks using common ...

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Unit2 Walkthrough


#loading libraries library(dplyr) library(readr) library(tidyr) library(rtweet) library(writexl) library(readxl) library(tidytext) library(textdata) library(ggplot2) library(textdata) library(scales) #reading ngss and ccss files ngss_tweets <- read_xlsx("data/ngss_tweets.xlsx") csss_tweets <- read_xlsx("data/csss_tweets.xlsx") #filtering englis...

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1. Data Source In this independent analysis, I have used the Peer Group Data from Chapter 3. The dataset is an adjacency matrix that details middle school students reported friendship relations in the classroom. The provided matrix is weighted with 1 being the score for “best friends” and 2 being the score for “friends”(Carolan,2014). 2....

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1. PREPARE Background This independent analysis focuses on studying public’s sentiment regarding the Science of Reading (SoR). Science of Reading relates to evidence-based reading instruction practices that can be designed to meet the needs of individual learners(Snowling & Hulme, 2005). This includes, acquisition of language, phonological and...

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Unit 4 Independent Analysis


1. PREPARE Introduction My key interest in this analysis was to investigate whether district site and trust scores are potential predictors of tie formation in a school leaders network. Since this is a predictive analysis, I will use ERGM modeling to establish the significance of the two variables. Research Question The main research question g...

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Unit 4 Independent Analysis Bigrams


1. PREPARE INTRODUCTION The main objective of this independent analysis is to investigate how text network analysis can support the identification of keyword networks from collections of scientific interdisciplinary documents such as journal articles.The motivation of this analysis is based on empirical studies that have used text network analys...

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