Publications by dogle

New Packages for Reading Data into R


Hadley Wicham has announced two new package for reading external data into R that will likely be of great interest to fisheries scientists. readr — Several new functions that replace the traditional read.csv() and read.table() (among others).  Hadley’s announcement is here, but I especially like the uniformity of arguments in and the speed...

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Age & Growth with R (Portland, Oregon)


I (and Northland alum Taylor Stewart) will be leading a continuing education course on using R for typical age and growth analyses as part of the national American Fisheries Society conference in Portland, OR.  Here is the announcement on the conference webpage (scroll to near the bottom).  I have also pasted it below for convenience.  Let m...

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FSA Modifications


I am nearly ready to submit a draft of the Introduction to Fisheries Analysis with R book to the publisher.  Relatedly, I am preparing the FSA package to be version 1.0.0 by the time the book is released.  As part of this, I have recently deleted several functions from FSA and put them into a new FSAmisc package.  I will maintain FSAmisc on Gi...

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IFAR Draft Submitted


I have submitted a draft of the Introduction to Fisheries Analyses with R to the publisher.  It will now be submitted to a thorough editorial review in preparation for a late 2015 publication (fingers are crossed).  The draft, as a whole and separated  by chapters, is available here.  As always, you will want to upgrade your FSA to the lates...

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Bioenergetics in R


In the last few months I have received queries about whether a “fish bioenergetics” model has been implemented in R.  Here is what I am aware of. Fish Bioenergtics 4.0 (an update of the Fish Bioenergetics program distributed by Wisconsin Sea Grant) an announcement, working shiny app, and an abstract for the upcoming AFS meeting in Portlan...

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fishR is moving


I am in the process of moving the fishR website to Please update your bookmarks/favorites/etc. The new page will be hosted through GitHub pages and will allow me to keep the page updated more easily and to write more R-infused blog posts.  In addition, there will no longer be any ads.  All of the materials that were on this...

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