Publications by David Moste

607 Final


Introduction For this project, I wanted to take on a task at the school where I work that has been of great interest. The reason I’m in this program (besides finding the material fun and interesting) is so that I can use some of these skills to help my school improve. To that end, I wanted to build a simple predictor that would be able to predi...

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Tidyverse EXTEND


Introduction We will see some uses of the dplyr package by loading a data set of contestants on the Bachelorette season’s 11-15. library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, set...

1415 sym R (28078 sym/30 pcs)

Problem 8.33


Problem 8.33David Moste04.22.20 The Problem The scatterplot below summarizes husbands' and wives' heights in a random sample of 170 married couples in Britain, where both partners' ages are below 65 years. Summary output of the least squares fit for predicting wife's height from husband's height is also provided in the table. Part A ( a ) I...

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Sentiment Analysis


Introduction For this assignment, I am tasked with getting an example from Text Mining with R running and then extending the example to a new corpus and a neew sentiment lexicon. Sections 1-6 are directly from Text Mining with R1. Section 7 is my extension. 1. Sentiments Dataset library(tidytext) ## Warning: package 'tidytext' was built under R ...

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Web APIs


Introduction In this assignment, I was asked to connect with the NYT API and import data into an R dataframe. I decided to import data from three different NYT API sections: their live feed, most viewed, and most shared (via facebook). Code After signing up for a NYT API key, the first step was to loas libraries and download each API. library(js...

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Introduction I used the provided coronavirus dataset for this tidying. Code I first loaded the required libraries and the dataset. # load required libraries library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages -------------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.0 -- ## v ggplot2 3.2.1 v purrr 0.3.3 ## v tibble 2.1.3 v dplyr 0.8.3 #...

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Introduction I used the MBTA dataset for this cleaning and tidying project. Code I started by loading in the libraries and dataset. # load required libraries library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages -------------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.0 -- ## v ggplot2 3.2.1 v purrr 0.3.3 ## v tibble 2.1.3 v dplyr 0.8.3 ...

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Tidying and Transforming Data


Introduction I was tasked with creating a database to hold some untidy airline data, then import that data into R, tidy the data, and analysize the performance of the airlines. The two airlines were Alaska and AM West and I was simply comparing on time/delayed data for several destinations. Code First, I imported the data from a MySQL database u...

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Project 1


Introduction For this project, I was asked to import a text file containing data from a chess tournament into R ands output a csv file with columns for the player names, states, total points, pre tournament ranking, and average ranking of their opponents. Code I started by importing the text file and breaking up the data into two data frames bas...

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R Character Manipulation


Question 1 Start by reading the csv into a data frame. Then use str_view to see all the majors that contain either DATA or STATISTICS. library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages ------------------------------------------------ tidyverse 1.3.0 -- ## v ggplot2 3.2.1 v purrr 0.3.3 ## v tibble 2.1.3 v dplyr 0.8.3 ## v tidyr 1.0.0 ...

1250 sym R (1281 sym/18 pcs)