Publications by Dionisius Widjayanto

Worker Productivity


Introduction Brief Employes Productivity For Garment Industry, employes productivity will influence their income. That’s why HR Departement want to optimize the productivity. For profesional employes, internal factor will not interupt their job. So as an analyst we want to help our HR Departement to know what factor can influence their produc...

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EDA Loan Probability


1. Explanation About Loan Data This data set is about loan data from that publish for comercial in Kaggle. is platform that connect people who need money (borrower) and who have money (investor). As an investor, we need to manage our risk. That’s why our priority is to determine good criteria that have high prob...

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Udemy Course Analysis


Introduction Udemy Data Brief Economics fields are still famous for students and workers. Economics has a significant impact on people or countries. Udemy start makes courses in this field in 2011 until now (2020). They have many courses about economic’s themes include free and paid courses. Every knowledge continually updates, and that is th...

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Travel Agency


Introduction Brief Travel Agency Travel agency have many product and service. To reach their customer, Travel Agency have to do some effort to promote their product, sometimes they will share leaflet, call the customer, or use adds in any platforms. For a few company, the best way is to call the customer. Travel Agency use that way. They call a...

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COD analysis


Call of Duty Tentang Games Call of Duty merupakan salah satu permainan populer yang sudah ada sejak console playstation 2, dengan berkembangnya jaman Call of Duty (COD) mulai masuk ke dalam ranah yang lebih luas yaitu secara online. Hal tersebut memberikan kenyamanan pemain untuk berinteraksi dengan pemain lainnya. Perkembangan game yang sangat ...

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PEDIH Project


Background Business Impact Project Idea Problem Scope Output Data Preparation EDA Desain Dashboard Refrensi Background Pada tahun 2019 terdapat kurang lebih 15 juta pengguna aktif aplikasi salah satu layanan transportasi online dengan sekitar 900.000 mitra pengendara aplikasi tersebut. Dengan berkembang pesatnya teknologi dan terjadinya pandemi ...

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