Publications by DRD



Johns Hopkins Data Science Capstone Final Project Word Prediction Shiny App: Presented by (pseudonym) Major General Brown | October 11 2021 Abstract The goal of this project is to use data science skills to create a Natural Language Processing (NLP) word prediction algorithm as a Shiny app. G...

3044 sym 3 img



Johns Hopkins Data Science Capstone Final Project Word Prediction Shiny App: Presented by (pseudonym) Major General Brown | October 11 2021 Abstract The goal of this project is to use data science skills to create a Natural Language Processing (NLP) word prediction algorithm as a Shiny app. G...

2851 sym 2 img



Wine PresentationDRD06 October 2021 Introduction I have always held an interest in being able to create my own wine. My plan, upon retirement, is to develop more self-suficiency and become a gardner and run a small vineyard in my backyard. The properties of grapes vary significantly, depending on the species used, soil conditions, climate, and...

1797 sym R (664 sym/3 pcs) 1 img

Project2 - DDP


Plotly DRD 10/5/2021 Plotly Presentation (Project 2) October 5, 2021 Slide with R Output library(ggplot2) library(plotly) ## Warning: package 'plotly' was built under R version 4.1.1 ## ## Attaching package: 'plotly' ## The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2': ## ## last_plot ## The following object is masked from 'pa...

146 sym R (609 sym/8 pcs)



10/5/2021 <!DOCTYPE html> Plotly <p style="margin-top: 6px; margin-left: -2px;">10/5/2021</p> </hgroup> RENDERED_SLIDES ...

102 sym R (79 sym/1 pcs)



R Markdown Create a web page using R Markdown that features a map created with Leaflet. Host your webpage on GitHub. Your webpage must contain the date that you created the document, and it must contain a map created with Leaflet. install.packages(“jsonlite”) install.packages(“leaflet”) Today’s Date of assignment submission is 05 Octobe...

461 sym R (339 sym/5 pcs)



Wine PresentationDRD06 October 2021 Introduction I have always held an interest in being able to create my own wine. My plan, upon retirement, is to develop more self-suficiency and become a gardner and run a small vineyard in my backyard. The properties of grapes vary significantly, depending on the species used, soil conditions, climate, and...

1795 sym R (664 sym/3 pcs) 1 img



Abstract This eport describes initla progress in evaluating project data to provide an exploratory development of a prediction algorithm. This report presents exploratory analysis and goals for the application and algorithm. This document provides a broad description of the major features of the project data. The report considers how to create a ...

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MGBrown Shiny App


Johns Hopkins Data Science Capstone Final Project Word Prediction Shiny App: Presented by (pseudonym) Major General Brown | October 11 2021 Abstract The goal of this project is to use data science skills to create a Natural Language Processing (NLP) word prediction algorithm as a Shiny app. G...

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