Publications by Delgerekh
Final Exam
#Chapter 7 #Question 1 library(wooldridge) data("sleep75") data(sleep75) model <- lm(sleep ~ totwrk + educ + age + agesq + male , data = sleep75) summary(model) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = sleep ~ totwrk + educ + age + agesq + male, data = sleep75) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -2378.00 -243.29 6.74 ...
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#Chapter 2 #C9 #Load the wooldridge library library(wooldridge) # Load the dataset data("countymurders") # (i) How many counties had zero murders in 1996? zero_murders_count <- sum(countymurders$year == 1996 & countymurders$murders == 0) cat("Counties with zero murders in 1996:", zero_murders_count, "\n") ## Counties with zero murders in 1996: 10...
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#Chapter 2 #C9 #Load the wooldridge library library(wooldridge) # Load the dataset data("countymurders") # (i) How many counties had zero murders in 1996? zero_murders_count <- sum(countymurders$year == 1996 & countymurders$murders == 0) cat("Counties with zero murders in 1996:", zero_murders_count, "\n") ## Counties with zero murders in 1996: 10...
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#Chapter 2 #C9 #Load the wooldridge library library(wooldridge) # Load the dataset data("countymurders") # (i) How many counties had zero murders in 1996? zero_murders_count <- sum(countymurders$year == 1996 & countymurders$murders == 0) cat("Counties with zero murders in 1996:", zero_murders_count, "\n") ## Counties with zero murders in 1996: 10...
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(i) Simple Regression Model Model: log(price) = Bo + B1*log(dist) + u # B1= 0,36488 # Subset the data for the year 1981 data_1981 <- subset(data, year == 1981) # Perform simple regression model1 <- lm(log(price) ~ log(dist), data = data_1981) summary(model1) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = log(price) ~ log(dist), data = data_1981) ## ## Residuals: ##...
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C2 log(price) = 9.40 +0.312*log(dist) ; n = 135, R^2 = 0.162 ## wage hours IQ KWW educ exper tenure age married black south urban sibs ## 1 769 40 93 35 12 11 2 31 1 0 0 1 1 ## 2 808 50 119 41 18 11 16 37 1 0 0 1 1 ## 3 825 40 108 46 14 11 9 33 1 ...
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Delgerekh-Final exam
Questions: 1. Import data Download ETF daily data from yahoo with ticker names of SPY, QQQ, EEM, IWM, EFA, TLT, IYR and GLD from 2010 to current date (See for ETF information). (Hint: Use library quantmod to help you to download these prices. You can also reference my github web:
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R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will be generated that includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code chunks within the...
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