Publications by Deepansh Khurana
LogAnalyzer: An Easy-to-Use Log Monitoring Tool for R/Shiny Applications
Posit Connect is often the de facto platform to deploy R/Shiny applications, Python applications, and Quarto-Shiny documents. And when something goes wrong, we immediately go and visit the logs. But often the logs are walls of text that we have to scour through and when you have been coding and debugging for hours, it is often that you miss the cru...
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Rounding in R: Common Data Wrangling Frustrations and Workarounds in R, Julia, and Python
If you’ve played with data for long enough, you’re sure to run into some popular dead-ends. There are many of these, from misspelled location names and addresses to placeholder values entering the data pipeline because of a bug. One of the most frustrating things, if not the prime pain point of peril, is rounding numbers. More often than not, ...
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Interactive Quarto Reports with Shiny using {shiny.i18n}
Quarto is exciting! It is simple, seamless, and easy to use! Do you know what makes it even better? Interaction. Quarto integrates with R/Shiny instances and provides you with a way to make your documents interactive. In our previous tutorial on shiny.i18n + Quarto, we cooked up a static document. In this example, we will do something different. W...
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Rhino R Package Tutorial: Build Your First Rhino App
The standard procedure to create a Shiny app is straightforward. It involves a single app.R with a ui.R and server.R. But this simplicity also makes it difficult to build production-grade Shiny apps. At Appsilon, we have something different in our toolbox; we use Rhino. TOC: What is Rhino? Similar options to the Rhino R package How to install Rhin...
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{reactable} Podium – How to Build a Leaderboard in R Shiny
{reactable} is pretty powerful in itself given just how many features are available in it. But its real power is in how we can tinker with it. In one of our R Shiny projects, we needed a leaderboard of sorts. So, we figured, why not make things interesting and add a podium on top? This blog post walks you through a similar example using the same ...
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{drawCell} – R package and Shiny app for drawing cell structures
Are you a life sciences educator looking to engage students with interactivity or a student needing to draw and label cells? Are you a researcher looking to offload the tedium of data visualization? There’s an R solution for you: drawCell! This tool provides a convenient, engaging solution for educators and researchers alike. Researchers pour c...
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