Publications by Dave Greer
Esty Rcommender System
Introduction Etsy is an 18 year old website and eCommerce marketplace and is ranked in the top 10 of all eCommerce sites. The company’s focus is in the handmade or vintage items and craft supplies market place. Coincidentally, this describe a lot of my home decor and clothing too. Hmmm… But maybe I take good care of my belongings, so its OK...
5961 sym
DATA 607 Project 4: Spam/Ham
Introduction In this project, we created a model that classifies emails as spam or ham. Load Packages library(readr) library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(tidyverse) library(wordcloud) library(tm) library(naivebayes) library(e1071) library(RTextTools) library(caret) library(quanteda) library(rsample) options(scipen = 999) Load Data ...
383 sym R (31619 sym/13 pcs) 2 img
Sentiment Analysis
library(tidyr) library(tidytext) ## Warning: package 'tidytext' was built under R version 4.3.2 library(textdata) ## Warning: package 'textdata' was built under R version 4.3.2 library(janeaustenr) ## Warning: package 'janeaustenr' was built under R version 4.3.2 library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked...
1543 sym R (116006 sym/76 pcs) 7 img
Reading New York Times API: Creating a Word Cloud
Introduction For this week’s assignment I pulled book review data from the New York Times Review of Books. I chose a well known novelist, John Grisham as the subject of assignment. I wanted to find the frequency of words in the summary of the books. The data was originally JSON and was in this form {} “status”:“OK”,“copyright”:“...
1764 sym
Reading New York Times API: Creating a Word Cloud
Introduction For this week’s assignment I pulled book review data from the New York Times Review of Books. I chose a well known novelist, John Grisham as the subject of the assignment. I wanted to find the frequency of words in the summary of the review of his books. The data was originally JSON and was in this form {} “status”:“OK”,�...
1782 sym
Reading New York Times API: Creating a Word Cloud
Introduction For this week’s assignment I pulled book review data from the New York Times Review of Books. I chose a well known novelist, John Grisham as the subject of assignment. The data was originally JSON and was in this form {} “status”:“OK”,“copyright”:“Copyright (c) 2023 The New York Times Company. All Rights Reserved.�...
1694 sym
Project 3
Finding Value Within the Data Science Industry Author Team Krijudato (Kristin L, Julia F, David G, Tony F) Published October 29, 2023 Introduction Beginning in 2011, Stack Overflow has conducted an annual survey for developers to participate in. This survey provides insights on a wide variety of topics, such as employment status, annual salar...
7733 sym Python (12805 sym/15 pcs) 14 img 1 tbl
Publish Document
Finding Value Within the Data Science Industry Author Team Krijudato (Kristin L, Julia F, David G, Tony F) Published October 29, 2023 Introduction Beginning in 2011, Stack Overflow has conducted an annual survey for developers to participate in. This survey provides insights on a wide variety of topics, such as employment status, annual salar...
7733 sym Python (12782 sym/15 pcs) 14 img 1 tbl
New Project3
Finding Value Within the Data Science Industry Author Team Krijudato (Kristin L, Julia F, David G, Tony F) Published October 29, 2023 Introduction Beginning in 2011, Stack Overflow has conducted an annual survey for developers to participate in. This survey provides insights on a wide variety of topics, such as employment status, annual salar...
7733 sym Python (12760 sym/15 pcs) 14 img 1 tbl
Homework 7 HTML/XML/JSON Comparison
Introduction For this assignment, I gathered three pieces of information about three different books and created an XML, JSON, and HTML file containing the books’ authors’ names and whether the book had clarity of style, and its brevity. In some cases, an author may have written specific chapters. In those instances, the individual author w...
1222 sym