Publications by Cameron Smith
Group Project Number Three - Class DATA 607
library(tidyverse) library(RPostgreSQL) ## Warning: package 'RPostgreSQL' was built under R version 4.0.3 library(DBI) Introduction and Approach This project is a group project with the following members: Cameron Smith Brett D Darius Z Formal citation for data source used: JobsPikr. (2019; December). 10000 Data Scientist Job Postings from the...
2450 sym R (3665 sym/17 pcs) 2 img
Data Assignment for Question Analysis
library(tinytex) 2010 Healthcare Law. (6.48, p. 248) On June 28, 2012 the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the much debated 2010 healthcare law, declaring it constitutional. A Gallup poll released the day after this decision indicates that 46% of 1,012 Americans agree with this decision. At a 95% confidence level, this sample has a 3% margin of error....
7220 sym R (1216 sym/20 pcs)
Heights of adults. (7.7, p. 260) Researchers studying anthropometry collected body girth measurements and skeletal diameter measurements, as well as age, weight, height and gender, for 507 physically active individuals. The histogram below shows the sample distribution of heights in centimeters. What is the point estimate for the average height...
10615 sym R (1519 sym/39 pcs) 5 img
Data Assignment for Data Class
library(abind) library(gtable) library(markdown) library(prettyunits) library(promises) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(RCurl) l...
1650 sym R (2897 sym/31 pcs)
Assignment Number 9
Assignment 9 The New York Times web site provides a rich set of API’s, as described here: You’ll need to start by signing up for an API key. Your task is to choose one of the New York Times API’s, construct an interface in R to read in the JSON data, and transform it to an R data frame. Required Li...
1001 sym R (1089 sym/5 pcs)
Document Number Nine
Assignment 9 The New York Times web site provides a rich set of API’s, as described here: You’ll need to start by signing up for an API key. Your task is to choose one of the New York Times API’s, construct an interface in R to read in the JSON data, and transform it to an R data frame. Required Li...
1013 sym R (1081 sym/5 pcs)