Publications by Dan Taylor Lewis
Reproducible research
Read in the data and set librarys. library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) dir.create("C:/Users/Dan/Documents/Coursera/Repoducible Research/") setwd("C:/Users/Dan/Documents/Coursera/Repoducible Research/") download.file("","activities monitoring") list.files() unzip("activit...
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Shiny App - Pres
Shiny App Pitch PresentationAuthor: Daniel Clustering Algorithms App The app I have developed allows the user to experiment with different clustering algorithms and see how they perform on the “iris” dataset. The current available algorithms are: K-means Clustering Mean Shift Clustering Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Example Output...
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Storm Data Analysis
Storm data - Health and economic impact analysis Synopsis This analysis downloads the data and then reads it into. Next I investigate the “EVTYPE” field and reduce the granularity by grouping up similar events so that the affect of a specific type. I also created an other group for all events that hadn’t been classified to track if more gr...
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Machine Learning R markdown
#Download and save data download.file(url="",destfile = "pml_training.csv") download.file(url="",destfile="pml_testing.csv") load required libraries library(dplyr) library(caret) Read in and inspect data Read...
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Milestone report
Exploratory data analysis Read data Read in the data and look at the size of the dataset. We see that the twitter and blogs datasets are much larger than the news dataset and because of memory constraints on my laptop I will need to be careful about how RAM is used throughout the script to make sure R can still run. This is why there are cleanin...
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Coursera R course - final slides
Text prediction AppDaniel Taylor Lewis06/03/2021 Shiny App Inputs The shiny app gives allows the user to enter a string of text and specify the number of next word recommendations that they would like to receive. A “textInput” function was used for the users text input. A “sliderInput” function was used to specificy the number of next...
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