Publications by Daniel Mamani
Midterm DEM 7273
#Packages library(haven) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(readr) library(ggpubr) ## Loading required package: ggplot2 library(ggplot...
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DEM 7273 Final
library(readr) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(MASS) ## ## Attaching package: 'MASS' ## The following object is masked from 'packa...
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DEM 7273 Homework 4
Hospital administrators are interested in determining how hospitalization cost (y = cost) is related to length of stay (x = los) in the hospital. The dataset contains the reimbursed hospital costs and associated lengths of stay for a sample of 33 people. Use hospital.txt data to answer the following questions: Libraries library(readr) library(dp...
1524 sym R (5621 sym/58 pcs) 5 img
Homework 3 Dem 7273 Due date is November 11, 2020 Monday by 5pm. Instruction: Read the codes and questions carefully. Open a dataset called PRB that’s available under homework folder on blackboard. We would like to know whether total fertility rate (tfr) differs significantly between Africa and the rest of the world. Please type your answers, i...
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DEM 7093 GIS HW 2
Packages library(tidycensus) library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages ----------------------------------------------- tidyverse 1.3.0 -- ## v ggplot2 3.3.3 v purrr 0.3.4 ## v tibble 3.0.3 v dplyr 1.0.3 ## v tidyr 1.1.1 v stringr 1.4.0 ## v readr 1.3.1 v forcats 0.5.0 ## -- Conflicts --------------------------------...
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DEM 7283 HW1
Daniel Mamani Use a screen capture tool to take a capture of you R session showing version 4.0.3 myimage ...
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DEM 7093 HW 1
Daniel Mamani Use a screen capture tool to take a capture of you R session showing version 4.0.3 myimage QGIS version 3.16 myimage ...
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DEM 7093 GIS HW4
Libraries library(tidycensus) library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages ------------------------------------------------ tidyverse 1.3.0 -- ## v ggplot2 3.3.3 v purrr 0.3.4 ## v tibble 3.0.3 v dplyr 1.0.3 ## v tidyr 1.1.1 v stringr 1.4.0 ## v readr 1.3.1 v forcats 0.5.0 ## -- Conflicts ------------------------------...
366 sym R (52542 sym/39 pcs) 3 img
DEM 7283 Stats HW3
library(car) ## Loading required package: carData library(stargazer) ## ## Please cite as: ## Hlavac, Marek (2018). stargazer: Well-Formatted Regression and Summary Statistics Tables. ## R package version 5.2.2. library(survey) ## Loading required package: grid ## Loading required package: Matrix #...
432 sym R (6562 sym/45 pcs) 3 tbl
DEM 7093 GIS HW3
library(tidycensus) library(sf) ## Linking to GEOS 3.8.0, GDAL 3.0.4, PROJ 6.3.1 library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union Read in Bexar County data ...
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