Publications by Daniel Lee

PSU employee survey regarding USNH IT consolidation plan


Major findings The vast majority do not support the planned consolidation of IT services. Less than ten percent of the responses are in favor. There are three major themes among responses that are either not in favor or reluctant of consolidation. First of all, most people do not want to see help desk centralized. This was expressed in many diff...

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Extract Information from Docket Reports


Major Findings This code extracts information from docket reports, and returns it in a dataframe. Extracted are docket id, date filed, date terminated, judge, jury demand, nature of suit, cause of action, jurisdition, plaintiffs, defendants, lawyers, law firms, and whether the case has a plaintiff (or defendent) that is terminated. Variables Pla...

3117 sym R (157 sym/2 pcs) 4 tbl

Predicting Litigation Risk based on Company Reviews


Major findings The larger the company, the greater litigation risk is. The extent of litigation risk is likely higher for some industries than others. Not sure whether company reviews can be used as a predictor for litigation risk. Future Research Add data on the type of lawsuits. Increase the accuracy of the lawsuits data. The number of lawsu...

5711 sym R (25097 sym/1 pcs) 15 img 1 tbl

Predicting Litigation Risk based on Company Reviews


Major findings The larger the company, the greater litigation risk is. The extent of litigation risk is likely higher for some industries than others. Not sure whether company reviews can be used as a predictor for litigation risk. Future Research Add data on the type of lawsuits. Increase the accuracy of the lawsuits data. The number of lawsu...

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Analyzing US Census Data in R


Disclaimer: The content of this RMarkdown note came from a course called Analyzing US Census Data in R in datacamp. Analysts across industries rely on data from the United States Census Bureau in their work. In this course, students will learn how to work with Census tabular and spatial data in the R environment. The course focuses on the tidycen...

2525 sym R (4696 sym/10 pcs) 7 img



This is a note from Matt’s PP slides

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COVID Lawsuits: Cases of Businesses


Research design Things to think about firm versus establishment I want to be able to say something like, if you operate in CA and in the retail industry, your probability of getting sued is 79%. A potential problem is that many firms have more than one establishment in a state. For example, if Walmart gets sued five times in New Hampshire, do we...

9151 sym R (380629 sym/15 pcs)

Explaining COVID-19 Lawsuits


Load packages Import data Lawsuits data State lawsuits data came from HAK. StateCases.csv was prepared in cleanUp.Rmd. Excess deaths by the Economist It was imported from the sars2pack package. State Government responses to COVID It was imported from the sars2pack package. Preprep data for regression Removed policy_binary datasets because s...

7317 sym R (806 sym/4 pcs) 18 img

Explaining COVID-19 Lawsuits


Load packages Import data Lawsuits data State lawsuits data came from HAK. StateCases.csv was prepared in cleanUp.Rmd. Excess deaths by the Economist It was imported from the sars2pack package. State Government responses to COVID It was imported from the sars2pack package. Preprep data for regression Removed policy_binary datasets because s...

7732 sym R (898 sym/4 pcs) 22 img

DALC January Workshop


Ch1: Data Preparation 1.1 Importing data 1.2 Cleaning data library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union data(starwars) # keep the variables name, heig...

161 sym R (8711 sym/34 pcs)