Publications by Daniel Lee

Best Practices 2


## # A tibble: 1,096 × 5 ## # Groups: symbol [8] ## symbol date price change text ## <chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <glue> ## 1 GDPC1 1947-01-01 2034. NA 1947.1, ## Growth: NA ## 2 GDPC1 1947-04-01 2029. -0.00267 1947.2, ## Growth: -0.3% ## 3 GDPC1 1947-07-01 2025. -0.00207 1947.3, #...

2665 sym 1 tbl

Apply it to your data 2


Import stock prices stocks <- tq_get(c("AMZN", "TGT", "WMT"), get = "stock.prices", from = "2013-01-01", to = "2014-01-01") stocks ## # A tibble: 756 × 8 ## symbol date open high low close volume adjusted ## <chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 AMZN...

203 sym Python (4938 sym/15 pcs) 1 img

Real World Applications 2


## # A tibble: 548 × 5 ## # Groups: symbol [4] ## symbol date price change text ## <chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <glue> ## 1 GDPC1 1947-01-01 2034. NA 1947.1, ## Growth: NA ## 2 GDPC1 1947-04-01 2029. -0.00267 1947.2, ## Growth: -0.3% ## 3 GDPC1 1947-07-01 2025. -0.00207 1947.3, ## ...

406 sym



Import stock prices stocks <- tq_get(c("LULU", "CLX", "MMC"), get = "stock.prices", from = "2019-06-01", to = "2020-06-01") stocks ## # A tibble: 753 × 8 ## symbol date open high low close volume adjusted ## <chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 LULU...

203 sym Python (5493 sym/17 pcs) 1 img



# Load packages library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ── ## ✔ ggplot2 3.3.6 ✔ purrr 0.3.4 ## ✔ tibble 3.1.8 ✔ dplyr 1.0.10 ## ✔ tidyr 1.2.1 ✔ stringr 1.4.1 ## ✔ r...

120 sym R (2061 sym/15 pcs)



# Load packages library(tidyverse) # core functions ## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ── ## ✔ ggplot2 3.3.6 ✔ purrr 0.3.4 ## ✔ tibble 3.1.8 ✔ dplyr 1.0.10 ## ✔ tidyr 1.2.1 ✔ strin...

61 sym R (2007 sym/10 pcs) 3 img



# Load packages library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ── ## ✔ ggplot2 3.3.6 ✔ purrr 0.3.4 ## ✔ tibble 3.1.8 ✔ dplyr 1.0.10 ## ✔ tidyr 1.2.1 ✔ stringr 1.4.1 ## ✔ r...

142 sym R (4191 sym/12 pcs)



Chater Openning Questions Managers need to know: Managers need to understand how to manage recessions and when they arrise so that they understand what they can do to stay on top of it and not fall under. Summary Causes of Recessions: Causes of recessions is when there is an excessive amount of goods and there are not enough services that can p...

7266 sym 1 tbl



# load packages library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ── ## ✔ ggplot2 3.3.6 ✔ purrr 0.3.4 ## ✔ tibble 3.1.8 ✔ dplyr 1.0.10 ## ✔ tidyr 1.2.0 ✔ stringr 1.4.1 ## ✔ r...

119 sym R (2150 sym/15 pcs)

Code Along 3 Reproducible Finance with R


Provide major takeaways from Chapter 1 in 50 words. Reproducible finance is the philosophy on how to do quantitative, data-science driven financial analysis. There are 3 universes that were discussed the first being the xts world, the second universe that was discussed was the tidyverse, and the final world discussed was tidyquant. These 3 univer...

460 sym