Publications by Confidence Ojiaku
Global Population Dynamics and UN Membership: A Geospatial Analysis from 1980 to 2050
Introduction This analysis examines global population trends spanning from 1980 to 2050, focusing on changes in population density and distribution across various countries. By using interactive visualizations, we can observe regional population growth patterns and shifts in demographic landscapes over time. Data Overview # Load the dataset C...
3467 sym Python (25524 sym/55 pcs) 10 img
Hypothesis Testing Analysis of Age and Weight Change
Introduction Understanding the factors that influence weight change is crucial for addressing various health outcomes, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic health. Age, as a biological factor, is often associated with physiological changes that might impact weight and body composition over time. This analysis seeks to investig...
3234 sym 3 img
YouTube Video Performance Analysis
Introduction This document presents an analysis of YouTube video performance metrics, focusing on key indicators such as views, watch time, subscribers, and impressions. By visualizing trends and conducting a time series decomposition, this analysis aims to identify patterns in video performance and provide insights for optimizing content strat...
3790 sym R (13078 sym/19 pcs) 6 img
Diabetes Risk Analysis and Prediction
Introduction Diabetes is a prevalent global health issue, with the number of affected individuals steadily increasing over the years. While the precise causes of diabetes are not fully understood, it is widely accepted that both genetic predispositions and environmental factors significantly contribute to its onset. This analysis focuses speci...
11336 sym Python (14330 sym/53 pcs) 23 img
Publish Document
Background Neuron-supporting glial cells called astrocytes are the source of the extremely aggressive brain cancer known as glioblastoma. Fast development and the ability to penetrate and kill nearby healthy brain tissue are two of this cancer’s well-known traits. Although it is more commonly diagnosed in older persons, glioblastoma can occur...
1716 sym R (22819 sym/85 pcs) 5 img
Analysis of Genes
BACKGROUND Neuron-supporting glial cells called astrocytes are the source of the extremely aggressive brain cancer known as glioblastoma. Fast development and the ability to penetrate and kill nearby healthy brain tissue are two of this cancer’s well-known traits. Although it is more commonly diagnosed in older persons, glioblastoma can occur...
1183 sym R (21187 sym/85 pcs) 6 img
Gene Expression Analysis
Data Loading and Preprocessing #Install the necessary library library(readr) library(gplots) ## ## Attaching package: 'gplots' ## The following object is masked from 'package:stats': ## ## lowess library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## fil...
150 sym R (12720 sym/35 pcs) 4 img
Geospatial Analysis of Monkey pox in Nigeria
Introduction This study analyzes the distribution of monkey pox cases in Nigeria by integrating case data with geographic coordinates. Using static and interactive maps, I visualized the spread of monkey pox to identify high-prevalence areas and support targeted public health interventions. Code # Load this libraries library(readxl) library(...
944 sym R (2841 sym/15 pcs) 1 img