Publications by C. Robertson

IDEAS-Spatial Overlay


Spatial Overlay in IDEAS C. Robertson 2020-06-25 Tutorial Overview This tutorial demonstrates some simple spatial overlay analysis of polygon data using the IDEAS data model, as described in Robertson et al. 2020. Preliminaries We will load some sample data from the stampr package, and pull out two polygons to demonstrate overlay operations. li...

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BC School Covid Tracker Data - Mapped


B.C. School COVID Tracker Data - Mapped B.C. Column School COVID Notices over Time Source All data obtained from the BC School Covid Tracker Project, please see there for original source data Data shown is March 1, 2021 to May 11 2021 Note: some coordinates were slightly randomized to prevent plotting on top of one another. Cluster detectio...

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text summary tester


Evaluating language models for summarizing articles Body Summary Tags Probs A man died of pneumonia just days after Hong Kong police took his trousers as evidence but rejected replacement clothes from his family while he was in detention, the force’s watchdog has disclosed in a report. The man had been arrested for possession of a dang...

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Farmers survey- RBA Aug 2020


Detailed analysis of Farmer responses to cover crops. Respondents Details The total number of survey responses was: 47 The median age of respondents was 60, with respondents ranging in age from 32 to 76 In terms of the number of years respondents have been making production decisions on the farm, the median was 35, the range was 2 to 61 Farm De...

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Environment Canada ## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile ## Source: "/Users/colinr23/Dropbox/personal/spatialResear/oscia/agw/lcd_000a16a_e", layer: "lcd_000a16a_e" ## with 293 features ## It has 5 fields Number of Projects - Northern Ontario Number of Projects - Southern Ontario ...

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EDA Workflow - R-Studio


Install Docker Use docker instructions to get it up and running on your machine Get and run rocker/geospatial Rocker/geospatial is base collection of core r geospatial packages - includes most core packages and all dependencies In commmand line: docker pull rocker/geospatial In command line: docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD=testPWD rock...

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Language model testing


Modelling Scenario HamSpam level 3 articles randomly drawn with some pre-filtering applied. Prefiltering rules, classified articles as local, regional or global depending on the locations tagged to the article. If multiple countries present \(\rightarrow\) global If one country but multiple sub-level geographies (admin2) \(\rightarrow\) regional ...

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Suggested tags from framework


Evaluating suggested tags classifier [1] “ ” [1] “Undervaccinated” body suggestedTag reason DAVID PITT Associated Press DES MOINES — State officials announced Monday that they have identified bird flu in a commercial flock of 50,000 turkeys in northwest Iowa, the state’s second case of a virus that has been identified ...

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