Publications by Christina Quintanilla-Muñoz
Blog 3: Preliminary Results (IP)
Blog Post Instructions Preliminary results (500 - 750 words, 1-2 tables, 1-2 figures). This is where you will describe the preliminary results of your project. Here you will describe the justification of which techniques you used, and describe the preliminary results of your analysis based on the procedures you conducted. Identifying Gentrificat...
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Blog 3: Preliminary Modeling Results (April 18)
Blog Post Instructions Descriptive statistics (500 - 700 words, 1-2 tables, 2-3 figures). This is where you will describe the modeling approach you took in your project. Here you will describe the justification of which model you used, and describe the results of your statistical analysis based on the model(s) you ran. Examining Gentrification a...
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Blog 2: Descriptive Statistics (May 21)
Blog Post Instructions Descriptive statistics (250 - 500 words, 1-2 tables, 2-3 figures). Here you will produce summary statistics and descriptive data visualization for your data, including tables and figures. This is designed so you effectively produce your descriptive section of your results for your project. Downloading American Community Su...
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Homework 9: Splines
library(mgcv) ## Warning: package 'mgcv' was built under R version 4.1.3 ## Loading required package: nlme ## This is mgcv 1.8-40. For overview type 'help("mgcv-package")'. library(ggplot2) ## Warning in register(): Can't find generic `scale_type` in package ggplot2 to ## register S3 method. library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages ----------...
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Homework 7: Using IPUMS USA for Migration Estimation
Assignment Instructions: Go to IPUMS USA, and create an account if you don’t already have one. !. Perform an extract of the 2019 5 Year ACS data. Select the PUMA variable from the Houshold Geographic variables. Select the MIGRATE1 variable from the Person>Migration variables. Select cases that only include the state of California. Using these ...
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Blog 2: Description of Data and GIS Process (April 6)
Blog Post Instructions Description of data and GIS process. Describe your data, including the source and origin, as well as a plan for what GIS operations you will conducting during the course of your project. Identifying Gentrification in San Antonio, Bexar County with GIS This report examines American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates by...
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