Publications by Cliff Lee

Food Insecurity


If Untreated, Food Insecurity Has a High Annual Cost References

380 sym 4 img

R - Assignment #2


7. BONUS – place the original .csv in a github file and have R read from the link. This will be a very useful skill as you progress in your data science education and career. data_frame = read.table(file="", header=TRUE,sep=",") 1. Use the summary function to ga...

705 sym R (3074 sym/21 pcs) 1 tbl

R Bridge Week 1 Assignment


1. Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial s <- 1 for (i in 1:12) { s <- s * i } 2. Show how to create a numeric vector that contains the sequence from 20 to 50 by 5. #Initialize an empty vector v <- c() for (i in 20:50) { # if i is divisible by 5 then add to the vector if (i %% 5 == 0) { v <- append(v,i) } } 3. Create th...

318 sym R (759 sym/3 pcs)

Recommender Systems


Recommender Systems - Bandcamp Bandcamp is an online digital music service that serves fans and musical artists. In fact, depending on who you identify with, it’s debatable as to who gets a better part of the deal. For fans, they get to purchase music in various high quality formats without any digital restrictions and they are assured a large ...

5496 sym

DATA 607 Assignment Four


Overview In this assignment, we are provided a spreadsheet that describes August 2021 data for Israeli hospitalization (“Severe Cases”) rates for people under 50 (assume “50 and under”) and over 50, for both un-vaccinated and fully vaccinated populations. We are required to analyze the data, and try to answer the questions below. High lev...

7872 sym R (13707 sym/38 pcs)

DATA 607 Project One 9-19-21


Project One Requirements In this project, you’re given a text file with chess tournament results where the information has some structure. Your job is to create an R Markdown file that generates a .CSV file (that could for example be imported into a SQL database) with the following information for all of the players: Player’s Name, Player’s...

6836 sym R (20056 sym/39 pcs) 4 img

Week3 - Character Manipulation and Date Processing


1. Provide code that identifies the majors that contain either “DATA” or “STATISTICS” Using the 173 majors listed in’s College Majors dataset [], provide code that identifies the majors that contain either “DATA” or “STATISTICS�...

1867 sym R (1953 sym/8 pcs)

R - Final Project


Do Four Year Graduates From Mid Atlantic Colleges Earn 10% or More Than Two Year Graduates? RPub link : # 5. BONUS – place the original .csv in a github file and have R read from the link. This will be a very useful skill as you progress in your data science education and career. data_frame = read...

457 sym R (9155 sym/22 pcs) 10 img

How Americans View Biden's Response To The Coronavirus Crisis


Introduction The article shows various graphs comparing how Americans view Biden’s handling of the pandemic to that of Trump. Americans answered questions regarding the following subjects: Presidential response; their feelings about infections; and feelings about the economy. This assignment focuses on data concerning the following question: Do...

1310 sym R (3620 sym/8 pcs)

Project 2 - Data Transformation


Introduction This project focuses on data transformation and clean up of three datasets from various sources. Each dataset required initial analysis in order to prepare it for downstream analysis and to answer main questions: Customer churn - how many customers have been lost or gained over a year for three company divisions? College costs and g...

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