Publications by Thanh Dat

Rise and Fall of Programming Languages


Rise and Fall of Programming Languages 1 Data on tags over time 2 Now in fraction format 3 Has R been growing or shrinking? 4 Visualizing change over time 5 How about dplyr and ggplot2? 6 What are the most asked-about tags? 7 How have large programming languages changed over time? 8 Some more tags! Tran Thanh Dat - International University 0...

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Introduction to the Tidyverse


Introduction to the Tidyverse 1 Data wrangling 1.1 The gapminder dataset 1.2 The filter verb 1.3 The arrange verb 1.4 The mutate verb 2 Data visualization 2.1 Visualizing with ggplot2 2.2 Log scales 2.3 Additional aesthetics 2.4 Faceting 3 Grouping and summarizing 3.1 The summarize verb 3.2 The group_by verb 3.3 Visualizing summarized data 4 ...

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Intermediate R


Intermediate R 1 Conditionals and Control Flow 1.1 Relational Operators 1.2 Logical Operators 1.3 Conditional Statements 2 Loops 2.1 While loop 2.2 For loop 3 Functions 3.1 Introduction to Functions 3.2 Writing Functions 3.3 R Packages 4 The apply family 4.1 lapply 4.2 sapply 4.3 vapply 5 Utilities 5.1 Useful Functions 5.2 Regular Expression...

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Introduction to R


Introduction to R 1 Intro to basics 1.1 How it works 1.2 Arithmetic with R 1.3 Variable assignment 1.4 Apples and oranges 1.5 Basic data types in R 1.6 What's that data type? 2 Vectors 2.1 Create a vector 2.2 Naming a vector 2.3 Calculating total winnings 2.4 Comparing total winnings 2.5 Vector selection 2.6 Selection by comparison 2.7 Advanced...

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A Text Analysis of Trump's Tweets


A Text Analysis of Trump’s Tweets 1 The tweets 2 Clean those tweets 3 Is “time” the giveaway 4 The quote tweet is dead 5 Links and pictures 6 Comparison of words 7 Most common words 8 Common words: Android vs. iPhone (i) 9 Common words: Android vs. iPhone (ii) 10 Adding sentiments 11 Android vs. iPhone sentiments 12 Conclusion: The ghos...

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Analyzing Social Media Data in R


Analyzing Social Media Data in R 1 Understanding Twitter data 1.1 Analyzing twitter data 1.2 Extracting twitter data 1.3 Components of twitter data 2 Analyzing Twitter data 2.1 Filtering tweets 2.2 Twitter user analysis 2.3 Twitter trends 2.4 Plotting twitter data over time 3 Visualize Tweet texts 3.1 Processing twitter text 3.2 Visualize popu...

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Foundations of Probability in R


Foundations of Probability in R 1 The binomial distribution 1.1 Flipping coins in R 1.2 Density and cumulative density 1.3 Expected value and variance 2 Laws of probability 2.1 Probability of event A and B 2.2 Probability of A or B 2.3 Multiplying random variables 2.4 Adding two random variables 3 Bayesian statistics 3.1 Updating with evide...

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Intermediate Functional Programming with purrr


Functional Programming with purrr 1 Simplifying with purrr 1.1 The power of iteration 1.2 Subsetting lists 1.3 The many flavors of map() 2 More complex iterations 2.1 Working with unnamed lists 2.2 More map() 2.3 map2() and pmap() 3 Troubleshooting lists with purrr 3.1 How to purrr safely() 3.2 Another way to possibly() purrr 3.3 purrr is a...

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Financial Risk Management 2


Financial Risk Management 2 (PART) Chapter 1 Price and Risk 1 Returns 1.1 Simple return 1.2 Logarithm return 1.3 Remark 2 Random Walk 2.1 Simple random walk 2.2 Normal random walk 2.3 Random walk with drift 2.4 Geometric random walk 3 Volatility 3.1 Calculations 3.2 Volatility cluster 4 Skewness & Kurtosis 4.1 Skewness 4.2 Kurtosis 4.3 Fi...

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Foundations of Functional Programming with purrr


Functional Programming with purrr 1 Simplifying with purrr 1.1 The power of iteration 1.2 Subsetting lists 1.3 The many flavors of map() 2 More complex iterations 2.1 Working with unnamed lists 2.2 More map() 2.3 map2() and pmap() 3 Troubleshooting lists with purrr 3.1 How to purrr safely() 3.2 Another way to possibly() purrr 3.3 purrr is a...

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